yellowtelesope yellowtelecast the bestpractices for the best practices providing medical industry bestpractices to the medical industries best practices since 2008 are you a doctor do you work for doctordo one earned more be more official retain your team higher for successorswill have a better lifestyle i bet you do what you expect for thepodcast later casual fun hopefully fine for me to pack a well-founded look atthe medical treatment have a passion company company experienced how thequestion the good-looking unquestionably good-looking industryleaders minute the renaissance if you
will and even if you want we've hiredtrained in over scenes from the nations top medical practice 12 in scotch whiskywill travel music single malt scotch whisky fine dining not fine diningfamily art ryan bourbon whiskey is a meetingabsolutely perfect record growing practice between 100,000 over onemillion dollars within the first year every damn time listen to podcast in formore on how dell telescope can help grow your practice busy i'll tell scope docon for upcoming events published articles record speeches passes forcomment email newsletter testimonials and more
alright well yup welcome to yelltelescope yellow telecast best practices for the best practices its hearing here is my partner johnhoffenberg i coming to you live or recorded missuspre-recorded fabulous not right now cat marriottmarquis resort now not really many in thosebecome a small hotel budget with its 10 elevators on or 1010elevators only a full city block i but butbeautiful nice to be here right now heart
above the broadway theatre district atthe historic a booth theatre right there behind us i really a stunning vista i hereof the the marriott marquis or the other oklistening in pure podcast lana where worker really enjoyed that the right now yep i g two later well we're here it's nice to be back in newyork were here 1ere quincy rapes yet i think we spent over europe days here on an off-price three to five days at atime classic seven years
surveyed accumulative here i overtime but it's beautiful nice thatit's not the freezing winter out there getting warmer its to its work we a walk around thecity blocks in a summer heat even worse high 70 starts to source really reallybeat down on your knees and brick walls and so on swarm i mean how do you think it is a wow its probably about as hot as freakishlyfurry fox flicking fleas in a forest fire
but thats wildly specific but i am ipreciate that would yes the question i give an answer payindeed effect you over delivered but we're here at the actually fiftiethanniversary of the af prs american academy of facial plastic andreconstructive surgery i hear also along with 200 fps a andthat's been a great meeting i we actually just got off stage had acouple talks today i nicely done it pay same to you john really excellent it's fantastic i a wedid the they did live objection handling up shop which lot of fun a lot of wittybanter check a live podcast
yeah i met so witty repartee banterovercoming objections using the objection sexy talk sitting on our veryfirst podcast untouched summary great practicemanagers doctors and other outpatient creditors and folks that informationwhich was good and a what else we did %uh the best practicefor the best practices talk a deed individually sharing similarthings we've learned from the practices that that really you know sir and lost andterms are what's really made the more successful so
it's been great it's not great arm in fact we also do like to have a littlefun as well we do it back to a take the business okay but we have theideal a telescope yellow tell a balls that india introduced at this meetingfor the first time their stress balls and they turn fromorange to yellow plus turns away yellow telescope yellow tell a ballthat's right turns from orange stressful orange into a stress less yellow that's what wedo it's amazing so we also like to have alittle fun about the dinner last night
wow that was a dinner unreal much lessstress your buddy list true retreat ridonkulous written withdreadful infused every dish unbelieving was like it was a tribalfest like 12 dishes in a row 12 courses and its i was fantastic now it's i i would always say labor 19 i yet aus-led mister french over it i would be the one to correct you and settle a betin a down lived on the death had to give prettygood landed on the desk its guttural let let bill my lose the it seems like in french you can almostjust say one syllable in a strange
just lyle but that's pretty much thename up whatever it is yes eights our drank indeed escape on thethat not that good i can act like you know i speak espanolindeed as my video unbelievable courses youknow truck player kobe wagyu beef and so on it was really a special special i mean we drank some scotch we had a few i would say gee many was a samplingappear to have little trouble i think the group that we went with we knockedout about half for the different scotches on the menu oxide yes startedwith the
i'll to you actually start with the atthe highland paint scheme which was to which was great really outstanding iwhat the heck when randy 18 i we also i'll etsy ended up with fee know what else we have you note i think the best was actuallyright afterwards %uh was the belt any 21-year-old portland the building a 21-year-old port what ijust stay tuned out there because i had some technical issues on miamimicrophones that may or may not be edited out but look for transparent herein santa swiftech issues but
yeah i the highland park 18 oct at theglen randy 20 18 call people have in mcallen eighteens that the the highland i was on the bellevuene portland witcher jack she brings me to today to thescotch other scott to the podcast at 6:32 licious yes oh what a day it's a cuteencouraging and we have the a brick a lot at camino the cow theycall the broker lottie the brooklyn there and you natalie is is the the lad it is theleading and it's it's a it's a it's a
single malt scotches from isla spelled islay and if you think i've ascotland a sort of like michigan money or or hand with thumb is an island your it cut off your thumbat the base tool island that would be the tip ofyour thumb would be i love initially but he distilleries there thesun is the modern hip rhydian distillery because they tend to take more risks andchances and have more interesting things including unheard of unimpeded or lightly peatedscotch from isla which is unheard
wild so this is kinda the classic at aten year old it's not extremely fancy stuff but very tasty kinda refreshing and cool like the sort ofmint aqua marine bottle that you see it sorted leaves a a refreshing cool somewhat spacey aftertasting i don't when i tasted it sits it's almost likejust like a little air conditioning for my brayton that's nice see him to 72degrees in it's nice may i in fact oh absolutely doolittle a we'd ram wesley ready forlamar a little tough but i we r early in
the podcast will topper it makes methink that we should to you know we get down to business talkabout something okay active nature and track eso so so edward searing the third eltercero indeed um you know last night when twobeautiful place to place anybody wanna go if you like great food and great company shortly 18the body people there that came out several doctors facial plastic surgeonthe most part but this makes the ftse mechanics bus researcher he could get ather she loves
oppose him international somethingrather greatness and it was great and that you're nobody noshows to labor you know letter nada nadia i'm and 10 things at nestle thedoctors have challenges with is a show percentage in here becauseunfortunately coming to your office is necessarilygoing to a fourteen course amazing meal at no cost know how did not know it yetwhere we probably have about a ninety-nine point nine percent showpercentage in hand desire it's something that really is consistentso we were thinking about what are some tips on increasing show percentage inyour practice taking it to the highest
levels and you know i was just thinking do i knowsomebody who've never over three million dollars your personalcell someone who closes eighty-five percent of all patients walk in the doorbefore they leave who gets over ninety percent sure eight year round year afteryear after year and i shockingly thought you it sir of shocksshot john and so who is a market opportunity let'sdo it great the shuttle about the psychologythat you to write come and a you know doctor giles why people doanything you know why we do the podcast
why we made yellow tele bowls why we drinkscotch why we gotta work why we do different things for family at therally is everything that we do in life is either based on want words based on need for example we mightneed not to show up to class remake flunk outand lose out on a great career you think we might want to sit front rowin tonight's game 6 he came against stinky indianapacers wouldn't it be nice be nice and unfortunately
we don't necessarily have that much togive to make it that desirable but luckily we haveenough to give to create so they want and a need in the mind of the patient toincrease show percent because if the patient where to get a milliondollars to show that for their appointment we would have a 100 percentury in however they were met by a hungrytiger which i have about 80 percent showpercentage to the appointment or a question and i'mgonna get there i get a pic but a to the question is recreating thehangover part 2
gephardt up so the question is how do wecan to create both a want any meat because if we can make the patient notonly excited about the appointment other riskrating want but also creating a little bit of obligation a feeling of necessitya being there that our show percent you're going toskyrocket and in sales also that's characters as we know ifthey come in the door they meet the doctor there can be pretty pleased withthe with the outcome and more often than notwe're gonna be able to convert that patient to some sort of treatment
or advocate for the practice so you know i'm not sure what ideas youhave maybe i was thinking maybe you can give us a few your tips that you're particularly usingto get those kind show percent yeah i think is a few simple things i mean wecould probably you know dude entire separate 3 podcastson this topic but you know i cud think they're really four main things thatreally do that lead to a bill creating the onescreating that needs for the obligation and
i just didn't want to be there and thenwhen you speak to the patient obviously when you have some answering the phone it's going tohave somebody that's good nationally build a very good report with thatpatient on the phone i hi how are you how you doing today great we're really looking forward toseeing you at cetera et cetera i am as far as you know you really want damn to understand whattheir gonna be benefiting from when they get to
the office i am you know great when youget here the doctors really spinning what a great time with you and we'regonna get well you're i am pluses and minuses procedures andtechniques etcetera i there's also number three i would saywould be the a to building i've little bit emergencyimportance mace basically letting the patient knowthat the doctor is going to be taking out some other time out from hisbusy schedule to go ahead and i see that patient take all the timethey need army and then build up the doctor tell me you knowcourse what a great guy or gal that they
are and are also arm gain a little bit commitment you knowtowards the end that really firming up in you know suggest that the that thepatient actually let let you know if if they can't make itgreat you know barbara if if if you can't make it would you give tolet us know go ahead will you definitely give us a call when would do if that would be okay withyou so you're saying that perhaps i
might say at you know barber bob standard doesn'tand people that we somehow no on these podcasts our brand bob ifyou'd be so kind so it's a a bob a or barbara a please call me if there's a problem isthat what i should say are usually at like to soften a little bit and say youknow if you'd be so kind would you let usknow if you can't make it we understand things come up but would you let us know okay so actually asking permission tosass king permission to be nice
well and we won a game their commitmentidea most little bit polite that's why your phrase in that way butyou're also kinda not just getting a that not telling them are dictating butrather didn't want one thing to say hey let me know if you can't make itbecause everyone says a hot pick you up but who say hey bob if you can't make it would you be so kind to let us knowsherwood everyone says yes it's great so then finally would be ijust reminding them dayton the time and %uh that you really really lookingforward to seeing them to be a succinct
as possible you want to build some honest reallygood reporter tell them what they've given good tell what to expect when they're gonnabe there let them know what the benefits are gonna be up to visit how great the doctor is house close tothe time it so busy practice might be army game the commitment and to makesure that they're gonna let you know if they cannot make it and then remindedthe day in the time okay great ok we do with your answer a coupleexamples just a kind of it all together
so that you can get ample you were getting a want which is youknow it'd be great experience you're gonna love the doctor i it's gonna be a good appointment werenice people were downed earth and then ross can agree that obligationbeginning that commitment from them making sure the reading it damage yourtaking it seriously as well apso okay great so should i be by ub thepatient great on my name is brooke logic can i call you call your latte incominglatter okay let it be great lady so what that four o'clockworks for you next wednesday i get 4
o'clock on wednesday should be perfectyeah that sounds great great but we're really really looking forward to seeingyou and of course i just wanna remind have afew things arm the doctor is taking some time out ofhis busy schedule to me with your course will take all the time you need we will wonderfulwonderful office friendly staff and you really feelwelcome when you're here up when you meet with the doctor works reallythorough will find out everything you need ourfinal really what you're looking for as
far as your goals are concerned i live for i cosmetic procedure we maydo some computer imaging will talk about exactly the sultry feel very comfortable wellappreciate that and that's what we're here for so you come in will see a were verythorough make sure everything goes great for youand then of course as i mentioned would you have a a fairly busy scheduleand to the doctor just have some limited time but i have set aside some time
i for you to see the doctor that day forhim spend all the time he needs in order to help you feel comfortablewith everything arm and of course because if that if youcan't make it let it would you be so kind as to just let us know ok sure of course i'd never just now notnot show up late and that's great guy korea really really appreciate alwaysbeen a good lad e now yeah absolutely i thank youthankslatte so basically i we look forward to seeing you wereally appreciating are you letting us know if you can'tmake it we really appreciating
like that you can really appreciate ifyou let us know and that we look forward to seeing you next 10 4 o'clock x i'm looking for asenior i wednesday for terrific thanks so muchyou got it but i like re: okay see it thanks excellent sealing would be best so there it is i thinkthat is pretty 68 the game the commitment and if nothingelse that that that patients now gonna feel are boththe want because wonderful service and thewonderful experience to grab on their
and the need and the obligation becausethe committed to you showing up if not at the very minimumletting you know they can make it it seems like the two concepts are aresomewhat interconnected and that obviously the more they like you morereport that's built i the more they feel they're gonna gainvalue from the appointment and it's gonna be fun and the people are nice that also does create a little bit of asense of obligation just like we feel a little bit more obligated to a goodfriend to do some that we promised in some we've never met before
and vice versa through that creationobligation were able to essentially dropped hintsand explain why we are creating a sense of obligation which is the quality ofthe doctor right the fact that we are taking sometime and that is a great place that people do like us and there is a senseof urgency i'm sorry like the steps as a fantastici would actually describe them as well received but sort of sort of like a like a fedex i would call it at x %uh its nice
7 a.m. yes and excelled as well as evetile a podcast the yellow telecast volume 3 very nice its earnings receiveon great and good information exciting information i e do we have any news thisweek there's a little news okay minnesota wonmedical news i know they find that most people again there go to source for medical news inthis industry is the yellow telescope the autos gasbest yo telecast best back to the best practices podcast
we like short names you what we actually came across this jobdone i came across i from %uh medical economics dot modern medicine dot com apparentlythey've got in cab it looks like it's been well rated i what were the most googlesearched symptoms tell god 2012 gm up 2013 this is this podcast get potentially a you know r-rated well potentially i didn't welike to keep it classy
pp claim up but which is a stickler forthese are is so with it i was read this article todeclare fight this website at this group a hot the citythey want to 70 different countries that's right that had different googlesearches compile all up the data on symptom searches you know i'mexperiencing blake you know my my underarm edges my a me armpit which is sort of thebackside at the kneecap in the armpit right back here his those kinds of things that would bethose rank in the top general how
that cat lady just checked i he's likelet me see i just wanted to make sure no in fact know that they would think that would beextremely odin exhorted impressive your day with top 10 back up the need the pit measures theknee pits they're like that's better than the armpit to the knee but the knee but so what's interesting isthat there's actually i some weight to the speaker's one studythat they the source here so that 59 percent ofadults look for health information
online it certainly feels like a lot more don'tsee how it couldn't be ninety-nine point nine under a dvd it now you go see a doctoryour google apps your google in right away immediately i wonder how is seo is but he's up there at 35 percent of patientshave attempted to actually self-diagnosis a medical condition frominformation highway also think that at least
eighty percent gotta be at least i'm aself diagnosing something right now yes not even a hypochondriac hebasically 53 percent of physicians apparently to a2011 survey felt that knowing more about symptoms usingthe internet actually possible twenty percent of physicians found the increase taxes leads to youmisinformation and wrong self-diagnosis that's also that shockey at my guess is that at least the patients that wesee in so many of our practices they are a hundred percent sure thatthey are extremely well informed
and ninety-nine point nine percent thetime they're extremely ill-informed usually because if theinternet in what's interesting no offense towonderful doctors out there who are really our target market that relied isreally just insult your target market that's when wedie i can't say that physicians themselves come in you know you have aradiologist come in and try to explain exactly why you're you know their particular after julieknight in lasik surgery lisa is is done it done the incorrectway so yeah i think there's a lot of a
simple what's number 1 i'm curious what what isthe most searched in too much what this is all about pregnancy as a symptom it what are the symptoms of pregnancycorrect y'know the number one symptom what'sthat babies i up it's not a side effect wake up i it just seems to be almost every timei see somebody get pregnant they usually have a baby typically okyeah
is your belly unbelievably larger thanit was before you haven't been eating ten times as much if it tell us aboutyour distended abdomen because that's a pretty good side isthere something living inside your stomach kicking you in the stomach rip you may be pregnant or its alien 7 to circuses i nope or just sorta pregnant you could besorta pregnant right i think that's the old adage that you can't be partiallybreakup errr it so 100 percent of pregnantpeople are in fact
pregnant yeah not in the study know what else to do influenza that's really number two do i have theflu i setting the flu do you feel like a pilot garbage you mayhave gerry has sneezing and are you in bedand do you crave my a possible suitor a strange hankering for chicken noodle soup it but potentially to be held by year by yourmother or grandmother despite being in your mid to late 30s
ppp but are you cold every time youshould be hott hott every time you should be call are yousweating through your blanket about this you may have the flu ifyou've watched six episodes of maury povich but its you suddenly have the time have you seen every episode kimkardashian and connie west but such a good keepingup with the kardash keeping up with the kardash in west's you better believe it now it's eight notout not even hyphenated i read
i'm that is silly i'll do i have the flu finally one morestill within the top five anxiety and i hear i get a little anxious thinking about iti think that if you go online and search for anything it gives you anxiety right tolike do i have asian bird flu webmd slashing that comes up is justgonna stress you out your do i have sars immediate stressing thatfirst s gonna come up it's just like sort of someone with like three heads in
you know missing limbs and says you knowthis is what's going to happen to you so if you have things i did the last thingyou should do is search the symptoms of anxiety online because then they're all going to appeareven want to happen quite yet appeared magically appear at least that's been myexperience this is a fantastic medical news i againit's the only place i look to look to get new justices have just givenup on all traditional right only good at seeing the third make least i can do to keep you informed thesecond itself
i think that brings us to the monthlynope nope what the monthly nope is no come on this iswhy why to monthly yep yep well you know ijust %ah i didn't want to go down that negativepattern and negative for some a positive person really turned things around here and we just for you or the big apple yepyou know wherein the big a apple when the the bigeasy know that new orleans when the big city that never sleeps yes it neversleeps where the concrete jungle a hot where dreams are made of made upmade up
made up concrete jungle where dreams aremade of that that's the earlier for that so i think sense so we're in aplace where where you can do anything anytime anywhere and we just thought tobe nice to kinda share the above our experience in your give yes goodsuggestion well we spent quite a bit tighter as you mention almost almost ahome away from home sorta di the the second hq with whitey min and i we should be a relieved over thelast five six years said you know what a great experienceshere certainly have some favorites i am i mean if we okay
think we try to think about as welllet's let's go into categories because sure that almost every doctor everycouple years can be in new york for copper hit a lot like a death never satmembers coming whether it's to see some broadway shows to bring their childrento see the sights a check out some other new you knowamazing memorials and so on they have an idea 9/11 memorials that will open trace must be amazing haven't been yetwould like to go had um and oh so you what are some things welike but we want to compartmentalize would organize people
you hit i'll take a job seriously wetake the podcast incredibly on seriously and we're very very organizedrestaurants restaurant yet what else %uh nightlifenightlife i sites sure what about what aboutrestaurants i i think we should talk play about liberty i think they made afew thousand dollars on this podcast alone catalyst over him yeah available documentscertainly of top my head tonight we're gonna trade the cheesesteak of greatlocal place family-owned ironically straight above stairs
upstairs that doesn't sound right at allits right upstairs from treaty chiba treaty cheesesteak like a little a speakeasy style ticket basically go totreat each other restaurants canon nikon gramercy ish area and that's not the place so that's goodupstairs through it very very questionable gt staircase as soon as you think your elevatorapartments yet you basically enter a gorgeous italian steakhouse bordellostyle beautiful red leather seats a great date spot nice little bar
and fms for the inside out people onbelievable we keep going back yep that's rightimagine well you tell a best well tell me aboutit this way i'm it's a well curated list we put together is what 30,000 restaurant huh in town last timei counted did whatever five thousand differentsites schorr you know ever take 2002 20,000 bars him and what did you do it well try tomall shit effects a narrowed it down to anexhaustive lesson this is it
and so trade each gets a gets a littlebit but other than that the inside out me bout your basic flash from theoutside sort of sauteed delicious sentrymeatball infused i know about it modules on theinside a cut in half split in half and out comes the melty easy cheesy mozzarella mood said itlooks at a less it's low-fat its yes no you know whatelse is lugar's well lugar's he have a bit peterluger's just over the brooklyn bridge get the slice steak going on
nadia the canadian bacon lecture onepiece a bacon as an appetizer if you go there and don't or a piece a bacon and you did not keep kosher you'vecommitted you could be you can be present yeah absolutely what else oh my gosh i what about the whole alltruck halaal guys on whether the 53rd and 6thavenue the americas ready for the health writer for the hilton a it is amazinggreat health food 24 hours a day there's a line out thedoor that place it's really just a food
truck on the street it's a great place to goto to have some late night eats you under five dollars it's enough foodto feed a family and it's really get their spicy sauce will of i'll hit you up how to jump a live here what ails you alittle it'll eat through your stomach it will it will let you answer given thesame vein not allow track thomas keller's per se but 30 s have a bit per se at night
enjoyed it with my wife it was it wasfantastic your per second probably touch-ups live in america you know whenit is just in seven not not for the budget conscious but a great once in alifetime bucket list experience it said your type eighteen different courses andso on i'm still paying off picasa bill yeah itake a mortgage at its fine fabulous it was great you've got otherlittle places places like graffiti look it up a communal seating you've got a what else would ask heather so there'sso many are any any any any
balloon at the the surrey the server that may lead into hotels by the waymale beluga it is so many click years and you've got the what's the one summer winter spring falloh yeah park avenue spring near park avenue spring at least rightnow would be a data transfer here up love you mom and searing that's righta saint my a ceiling breaking superstar justgets younger every year donations fantastic it's amazing com ispend every wanna for birthdays with her that'sright least the last two not even
coincidentally it's becoming a pattern the south will brief it's got yourcouple who tells a couple love yes sirree sir i and amazing upper east side it'sthe place to be elected where it's like a little as i like itbetter than the mandarin yep barely better in the mandarin by like toamanda just amazing liberty could tell you right off 5th park mews go shopping blier millions in its amazing what aboutsome little more for budget-conscious well i mean not necessarily budgetconscious but sorta different little
inspector i like the g ade village near the village is reallymessed up by the choice of a place to stay and really explore i like i like the village east village is finewest village is even better in my opinion more than replace is so much when youget the art galleries get the food get great shot be a cool people awonderful bars and nightlife dance on its just great the jade is a spot for meit nice enough without being outrageously priced
yeah on what else %uh nightlife sites 00 sites at my watch the statue ofliberty i just together on a boat great just for a hand should up live inevery time we chose a fabulous fall day you go to new york 12 times a year forlike three years and never go sightseeing and evers good things get acheckup it was really you know really is one of the few thingsi've done in my life i get justin even greater pride in my country and yes tellchickens absolutely it's i mean it's fun taking the bull riding in the leadpeople forget about what an active waterfront new york city has here
hi and just miles and miles of coastlinetake the ferry ready to battery park head down to the island and just a great elissa ely hard i meani missed amazing thing culturally and historically mattresses is fun and interesting and beautiful isthe statue but just a great trip in in the boat trip alone is worth it worththe price admission just to see the whole city skyline on the new 911 towers and so on justfantastic up finally moma is is that spot
of that to me talk about airconditioning for the brain i i it was there i drop a few monthsback just a couple hours before had did getthe flight home search committed to seeing what was going on now i just i mean everything a.m. in allthe greats that's fantastic look or ca but not course military i stood at a rothko for about 45 minutesjust to see what it would be like i just thought maybe something would happen i kinda got to the point we're convincedme i liked it yep
even though it was just one color torisk i think is your grandmother would say maybe a color and a half risk getting aheadache it's interesting that that's like worth like a jillion dollars nextto you the dalai that was their list on displayat the time i was there here that's of course you know my generation i think welove the dogs just unbelievably what how come that staircase is going upand down and sideways at the same time but it's amazing %uh the art work therea no other sites are so so many things todo top the rock
undergone i skin is a million things youcan do but those are two or three if i just got a two or three day trip up aknock out that's my favorite museum favorite big guy in sight and so on i'mlast bill nightlife stars the whiskey this year as a water and miss want the best whiskeytowns in proper the world and certainly americathat some great ones i fight my personal favorite just kinda for an after dinner drink athighlands high-level scotch menu nail place always packed nice peoplegood food as well even good for happy
hour we dram after work what do you like %ah i i think one of myfavorites is angel share and japanese whisky bar yep exactly kinda very very nature we'vegot definitely a japanese was because companies etoh as we walked up about forty minuteslooking for but it's worth it worth the trip over over at easton east and south head upstairs make areservation for sure of course they will not see the table
more than four and they will only see ifyou're all their i but really fantastic man you i reallycreative cocktails as for the crafty with the the smoky cinnamon where they had thepeace to dislike seven on fire writes in a min under theglass to try side downturn the glass over poor the cocktail and she get thelatter was like at its own canopy smoke flavor to it unp usq just amazing silliness gap west for darts a gaffewest dive bar could be here great place to throw some darts yup iget better after couple beers
it gets progressively were eight weresomehow the second game is the closest and i we just heard across pat hassomehow i doubt on the first and lose the last i there's a lot more ideas email us atinfo yo telescope dot com for more ideas on what to do in new york a pretty muchany city anywhere cuz we've been did damn nearevery one of them and we're hoping to check out the rest absolutely we're broadcasting next timei just a couple short weeks on june 18th 19th 2010 las vegas we mayeven be broadcasting from either
one of the great hotels for standing upa fabulous palash that sort of the cl or we may even bebroadcasting from whiskey at the largest collection whiskeys in the world a of the strip curated by unlv professor and mastersomali a kinda whiskey guys it's gonna be pretty exciting is not a class youwould like but they are coming things are at this puppy up get people back towork absolutely will be in vegas are coming up soon of course don't forget about the octoberseminar check out yell telescope dot com
tons a great informations please sign upfor for the podcast if you're watching this online i subscribe to the newsletter the blogtouch a great articles videos everything's great on there so just not to put too fine a point on itsan the only be in your bonnet to quote i now from who email me where that quote is from annualwin a prize but not to put too fine a poder too finea point on it get the podcast obviously you're readylistening to this so many areas have a
ready subscribe to and download if you haven'tsubscribe please make sure you subscribe that really helps out that we getnotification to the next one comes out listened as many as he can i make sure you rate is highly give ussome five stars give us some positive comments this negative comments email them forgoodness sake don't just put them right on that's just mean were nice people we try our friend hedidn't pay anything we expect thank
goodness to this little credit here and but ifyou're watching podcast land on youtube %uh or through our website makes youdoubt that your tablet any google play store any app store anyitunes store you can download this bad boy and get itwhich we really really greatly appreciate that i'm definitely the october 10th and 11thtraining seminar is coming up markdown out so last year's by far rate to 9.7 oneattendees an honest review survey loves
it sat the best never been in your wholelife for getting it all your money back and we're still running will be the special 3 june 2010 7,000hours of your next a next year's event if you sign upbefore jan 20 plus you can break into payments it's really a win win win winwin win win went lose win when equip i what else to have coming up i think thatwe got the october seminar we got vegas for those go at multi-specialty me tojust got back to the cosmetic dentistry
meeting i'm we're gonna be in november decembergoing out to the florida ent event that's right which is gonna bewell-attended here and possibly well well-received like ahtext it's gonna bea tax i so what can ed do for you that's ups i guess a we think that's not reallyexcited i think we're basically done those are my thoughts again he may askthe questions at info a little scope to come check out the website for all kindsof past issues at the block podcasts speeches and articles as it hasalready
ahtext us thanks so much for listening iwe probably as usual had a little bit more fun thanwe should have but i it's a big dream was weird may pay better better than not enough either way but cheers you john as theysay everything access bed now he got that not every day nothad the trainee g take care on on there are many down there
the me annual room then

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