shy guy shuffle snake block party cheep cheep leap peepa panic balance ball brawl bob-omb bogey spiked ball scramble bouncy brawl fruit scoot scurry
goomba gatcha cliffside crisis dice 'n' dash fruit fetch cloud cover rapid river race beeline shrine blooper blast-off paintball battle
ice slide, you slide goomba gallop fruit cahoots magma meltdown meanie match found it? pound it! platform push pipe sniper bob-omb combo
balloon blast bash fuzzy fliers flash forward soar to score bobsled battle soccer brawl boo burglars murky maze ground pound pals
bouncy bounty bump, set, spike revolving relay goombrat combat shape up hop, drop and roll bullet bill bullies watermelon whacking skewer scurry
steal the beat movin' mushrooms bubble squabble cheep cheep check keep-away mayhem spring fling bowser's bad breath bowser's hammer slammer bowser's fire bar fury
bowser's wicked wheel bowser's bogus bingo bowser's painball bowser's high dive bowser's clawful climb bowser's sinister slots bowser's roulette rage mega goomba's ladder leap petey's bomb battle
sledge bro's card chaos king boo's tricky tiles mega cheep chomp's shell shock mega blooper's bubble battle mega monty mole's maze mischief kamek's rocket rampage mega mechakoopa's swing & stomp bowser's tank terror
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