--mr. wayne nugent. [music] --you know... [cheering] --thank you, everybody, i mean,i feel it, i feel it. and i'm so used to camp marcaccetta. [laughing] it's, this is a great mirror,you know, this
is a great reflection when wetalk in terms of collaboration, co-creating. you know, i love you rightback, and these, you know, these rmds, and thenpaso, all the ranks, but man, we've got one heck of afoundation, i'll put our leadership up against anycompany in the world of any kind. i don't think i was actuallyscheduled to follow jay paso and the talkthat he just gave to you all,
but that's how, you know, god'sbeen working, you know, it's just, i think theyreslotted me or they reslotted him. but when i talk and you reflectback on what he just said, and keith brown,congratulations to you, too, sir. i mean, i just love youleaders, i love, man, where y'all are coming from andthat internal drive, that internal spirit, and that wehave built a platform, a
system, we're building anecosystem that's doing what it was designed to do, you know,really change people's lives so that we can go on and changeother people's lives. and there's the real world, butthen, there's our world. i mean, the water's fine, thekool-aid tastes good. [laughing/cheering] so, um, okay. i care about each one of you,you know, individually,
you're on your path. you know, i was on a path, pasowas on a path, every leader, we were on a path,wherever you're at on the path, you know, we love you whereyou're at. and there's just no judgement,you know what i mean? wherever you're coming from,there's no judgement. i think, when you joinworldventures, you're saying where you wanna go, and you cometo an event like this, and you're saying, you know whereyou wanna go.
and we're saying, we wanna helpget you there. so, isn't it nice that you saidyes to something, that you found something where you'resurrounded by people that just get it. and we wanna help you getthere. and that, that is godlythinking. that's what this is about. so, i mean, this is kinda how isee people. you know, in the marine corps,in the marine
corps, i mean, right from theget-go, when you go to marine corps boot camp, you know,there's no white and black, it's either you're lightgreen or dark green. but you're both green, you knowwhat i mean? and you're both equallyworthless, you know, maggots when you first start out. [laughter] shave your head, strip youdown, you know, give you the same uniform, all that,but they just tear you down
and rebuild you, and you know,as funny as it sounds, or as funny as it looks, in a way,it's good when you can see people this way. you know, we all, on theinside, we're just the same. there's just no place forracism in our company. you know, i mean... [cheering continues] and while you're standing, while you're standing.
i want you to just stand thereand i want you to look at your hands like this, and stareat your hands, and i just want you to know, and look atyour clothes, not laughing, don't laugh. you dressed you this morning,i'm sure. but, when you look at yourhands and you look at your clothes and you look ateverything, you're more than this. [applause]
so, let's take a minute, and iwant you to hug the person to the left of you. [chatter] and i want you to hug theperson the right of you, and i want you to hugthe person in front of you, and i want you to hugthe person behind you. in a way, we could just end itright there, you know. you know. so, at different times, youknow, i always stop and i watch
everybody having fun, whetherit be on a dreamtrip or an event. go ahead, sit down. and, you know, talking aboutbeing present and talking about being in the moment. like, right there, i'm watchingy'all all hug each other and i'm like, woo-hoo. you know, i'll check that off,one of my favorite moments right there.
so, wherever you're at,wherever you're at. oh, man, that was so niceseeing jay paso's mom and dad here. i mean, you can't give what youdon't have, and so, as parents, we wanna do thebest job we can for wherever we're at in life atthe time. not only as parents, but asspouses and mates, you understand? we're always just, i hope,trying to do the best job we
can right now, wherever we'reat right now, but i hope that we're all wanting to grow andbe better. and so, it's really a matterof, you know, what are you feeding yourself? how do you feed yourself? i mean, if it was just kindalike your brain and your spinal cord, you know, floatingaround, and your eyes right here and your ears and yourmouth, you know, it's how do you take stuff in?
you know, what are you takingin? it's like, what tv shows areyou watching? what lyrics and music are youlistening to? what books are you reading? what food are you putting inyour body? how are you taking in? but whatever you take in,whether it be through your eyes, your ears, yourmouth, it's gonna show up. and, now, when you first startout, you're born into a
certain environment, andthere's nothing you can do about that, you're justborn into an environment. but there comes a certain timewhere you just start to, you know, own your life. i mean, if you happen to havebeen born to great parents, you know, wow. you know, congratulations. i mean, if you love your momand dad, you know... and, but if you haven't, if youdon't feel like
you were maybe born to a momand dad or you were raised by only a mom or only a dad orsomething like that, you know, i don't know, at what point, atwhat point do you just decide to be your own personand start feeding yourself whatever it is you need? and you know... jay lost his friend on the wayto building imd, god, that was beautiful. i met a woman backstage today,and her name's mary, and she
lost her son at 2 am thismorning in a car accident. and it was important to her,she wanted to stay here with us. and her son's name was damien. and if we could just have amoment of silence and prayer for her and him. mary... [man in audience: we love you,mary!] mary, peace be with you, peacebe with you.
[i see angels!] [clapping] okay, so, before youmet marc accetta and our trainers andeverything, this is probably what your brain looked like. [laughing] all these leaders, they get uphere and they talk about how, you know, isigned up, but i didn't wanna go to that training, i didn'tneed that training, i was
gonna do it. but they weren't doing it. you heard so many of them say,they signed up, they didn't wanna go to the training, theyweren't going to the training, and it wasn'thappening, right? that's because, that's whattheir brain looked like on the inside. but once they start coming tothe trainings and they start learning from all the peoplethat are doing it and have
done it and marc and the way hejust does such a great job of making it stick andedutainment and all of the stories. if y'all don't do this, i'mgonna come, i'm gonna kill you. so intimidating. so red. so, what i really hope we dois, you come here and this is where worldventuresget it into you, but then, here's where we really start toorganize, you know, your
thoughts, and how to go aboutthis, you know, systematically, because, imean, you can, you just have to believe that you can becauseyou can get your mind right and get your heart right, and ihope to talk to you about, you know, your soul, becauseyou're not just this, and i want you to have the nicethings, and you're not taking it with you, but what youdo take with you is your memories, is your relationships,is the legacy, and when i met mary, i was just telling her, icould see it in her, i could
just see what a sweet soul of awoman that she is, and i let her know what it is i was thinkingand feeling when i lost my little sister, which is, i wasthankful for the time we had together and i just loved herfor who she is while i had her and that's what i'm tellingmary, mary, you know, i could tell she was a lovingmom. so, i'd like to try and helpyou organize your mind and what's going on inside becauseyour outer world is a reflection of your inner world.
and, if you want your outerworld to change, you gotta change your inner world. so, what is a very organizedand systematic way of going about changing your innerworld? and what i like to do is, ilike to buy the best books written by the best authors oneach of these subjects and then i organize my library andmy bookshelves according to these books. and there's times where, youknow, i'm spending, on
average, at least probably $300a week, you know, on books. and you gotta be able to judgeyourself and ask yourself, do a self-assessment, you know,on a scale of 1-10, you know, where are you spiritually,you know, physically, emotionally, intellectually,and financially? and under intellectually, iwould put travel, a lot of times, when you first learn, intravel, under intellectually, that's like oneof your hobbies and your interests and things you liketo do, and then you like to
golf around the world and scubadive around the world and snow ski around the world, andgo shopping around the world. and i'll tell you this, youknow, fun, freedom, and fulfillment, whenever ithink about travel and worldventures and you all, imean, yeah, fun. and having fun with y'all, youknow, makes me happy. and so, we have fun, and we'rehappy and that's why i gotta come to the events,too.
you get energized at theevents, don't you? i come to the events withyou and i get energized. the events for all of us areenergizing. when you energize, all thepeople up here are getting recognized and the speakers andthe trainers, you energize us, too. you energize our corporateteam, that's why our corporate team have been sitting throughthe whole event with you. and so, as much as i care aboutall that, i also want you
to contemplate, always, whenyou're not here and you're not on a dreamtrip with us andyou're not, you know, in the moment, having fun, and you'renot, maybe doing something right now that makes you happy. that is the difference betweenpeace and joy. when you're at home and you'rein bed, do you feel peaceful? do you feel joy? you should have that with youall the time.
so, seek that. and then, we talk a lot aboutfinancial. now, whoever owns that car andwhoever owns that house, i don't know if you wanna recruitthem or not. that's taking on a project. we gotta do some seriousreconstruction. but i really believe whoeverthat is, that outer world is a reflection, i just believe,man, if i go give them a hug and say, walk with me, comehang out, let me introduce you
to my friends, there's not adoubt in my mind, you can take anybody from right thereto right there. if they're willing, if they gotthe eyes and the ears to receive it, if they'rewilling, grab them and bring them. and maybe not in the realworld, because the real world judges you on are you a man orwoman, black or white, old or young, do you have a collegedegree or not, you know, the real world just kindajudges you that way and pays
you accordingly. but here, it just doesn'tmatter. you know, jay was telling hisdad, you know, he said, like, he didn't wannahave a job, he didn't like jobs, he can't work forsomebody else. he can work, he just doesn'twanna work in a job and he doesn't wanna work for somebodyelse. can anybody relate to that? yeah, none of my employeesclapped, i hope.
teammates. he told his dad, and his dad,he's trying to be a good dad, and he's saying, i don't wannago to school, but he's not dumb, he's a hard worker, andhe's teachable. he needed to find somethingthat he liked that he could believe in, that he could pourhis brain and heart into. and he did. and he hung out with us. and he had good friends in lifeand mentors in life.
and, you know, i always likebragging on johnny, started with me and matt, i recruitedmatt and he was living at home with his mom, waitingtables, he'd been waiting tables. serious, he was 24, he'd justbeen waiting tables, making $400 a week,living at home with his mom, and all of a sudden, you know,and start working with him and he latched on and we hungout together and he got up, you know, worked with me earlyon over $10,000 a week in
like 6 months and then just,blossomed, you know, into the leader i could see that he was. and then, you know, of course,he recruits and starts working with johnny wimbrey andthey start travelling around the world and so much ofour international business is because of matt and johnny,rhonda, can't leave rhonda out, heck no. and then, johnny recruits edblunt, and i love talking about how ed blunt, he's thiskind of a guy, he's that kind
of a guy. right there. you know, still waters rundeep, you know what i mean? this guy's powerful. and of course, june, michaeljacks, and jay paso and the team they've created in newyork and now florida. but it's spreading all over thecountry and all over the world from there, imean, man, what a powerful
group of guys and the waythey've come up together. it's just, it's a beautifulthing to watch. and they're just telling you,if we can do it, you can do it. but, man, they woke up, oh mygosh, they woke up and they had that internal drive. so, the reason i show you allthis is because where are we? you've set goals, right? i mean, when you join this, wetell you to write down your
goal, set your goals, but youknow, dreams are goals with deadlines, yeah? we say, hit the target. but how can you hit the targetif you don't know where the target is or what the targetis? and i don't care about beingthe biggest, you know, i really just care about us beingthe best. and, you know, these othercompanies, they're not our competition.
you know, we are ourcompetition. the whole question is, is arewe living up to our potential? and you know, to be honest withyou, i don't think up to this date, up to, now going on10 years, as good as we're doing and as grateful as i am,and as much love and respect as i have, i know that we'renot living up to our potential. i know that we're capable ofmore. what do you think?
so, you know, it's nice gettingrecognized, you know, we're constantly movingup the food chain and we gotta celebrate that and herewe are, you know, this year, got announced at, you know,number, you know 25 on the top sales companies of northamerica and i believe next year, based on our run rate now,and everything that's going on, that we can jump to number 15. next year. i think it's very realistic,and then the next year.
look at the company we're gonnakeep. i mean, being number 7 in northamerica makes us number 10 in the world. wouldn't you like to be in top10 of all direct sales companies in the world? i mean, there is goals, andthen there's stretch goals, and at times, we've beenable to hit our stretch goals, and i gotta admit, tome, that would be a stretch goal, instead of doing it in 2years, what if we did it in
one year? i mean what if we grew by abillion dollars in a year? holy cow. i promise you, this can happen. wow. i mean... shake the planet. it could happen. but look at this, amway's beenaround for 59 years.
avon, over 100 years. herbalife is as old as dan. mary kay, you know, great lady,great inspiration, wanting to empowerwomen around the world, and i totally agree with that,but i just wanna empower women and men. you know, tupperware's beenaround a long time. nu skin's a very respectedcompany that has massive growth, a great ceo and leaderthere that's doing great things.
they got a good rolloutschedule, kinda like apple. where apple worked on thingsand worked on things, and you know, they kept it secret, butthen they released and they had it dialed in, they had itright. what nu skin's done is kindacopy that but then bring in their leadership, and say,okay, leaders, here's what we're rolling out in 6 months. let's get behind this thing,let's drive this thing, let's push this thing and i'm talkinggrowing, shoot, several
hundred million, billion. so, they're proving what can bedone with skincare. and all of a sudden, you takethe name amway off, and you take the name avon off andherbalife off, you take our name off and you just put soap. or vitamins, or, you know,because they have nutrilife, too, or their energydrink, those are probably their top 3 things, we putthose things there, and then you put avon over here, you canput perfume and makeup and
other stuff, right? these are good companies, bythe way, i'm not knocking these companies at all, i'mjust talking about product now, i'm talking about industry,what product and industry are they in. okay, and then we got herbalifeover here with nutrition, nutrition. got mary kay with makeup, gottupperware with all the kitchen stuff, and then you gotnu skin over here with skin
product, right? and then you've got travel. just, what if we just said fun? what if it was just, we'regonna multilevel market fun? like, instead of saying, like,a fun product, like it being an adjective,look at fun as a noun. what do you sell? fun. so, they have skincare, theyhave makeup, they have, we
have fun. pick one, which one do youwant? the fun one. i'll take the fun one. because we're going traveland food and entertainment. this is big. and... y'all saw the app. and you go through that app andyou start flipping those
dreamtrips, and you're like,ooh, i wanna go on that one, ooh, i wanna go on that one,ooh, i wanna go on that one. and then you're gonna have theability to favorite it, you're gonna have the abilityto share it, you're gonna have the ability to inviteother people on it. you're gonna see who's alreadygoing on it. ooh, if they're going on it, iwanna go on it. we'll see how we structure itin the future, maybe you curate the trip, maybe fromyour bucket list, you say,
okay, i wanna go here and iwanna do this thing and i wanna eat at this place and you'regonna add all that kinda to the shopping cart or yourbucket list, then you say, hm, i wanna take this leader with meand i wanna take that leader with me and you just kinda addthem to the shopping cart. yeah, y'all put together a coolenough trip, we might go, you know what? i think i will go with you onthat trip. i got travel dollars.
might as well just go. so, we're gonna be able to justget real creative and build a platform that doesn't existanywhere on the planet with any company. you know, if we're gonna hitthose kind of numbers, if we're gonna havethat kind of growth, you gotta see it as, there's everythingyou're doing, and there's everything that we're doing,the corporate, but we're really a team, you know, we'rereally one.
and i'm gonna ask you to, youknow, love on these people that are working hard,you know, to build your opportunity, you know,and build your life. and i mean, look at them. i talked to you earlier thisweekend about servant leadership, you know, as thistheme. and we always thought we wannahire people based on character and competence. you do, you wanna hire oncharacter and competence, that
people have the right characterand they have the competence to do the job, but ihad to add another one through the years. it's not just character andit's not just competence, it's this passion to serve. they have to have the passionto serve you. because you don't have aguarantee. you're taking time out of yourlife and your pocket to come play with us and putting yourhopes and dreams in.
and we're here to, like, serveyou and listen to you. you talk to your upline andthey talk to their pack team and the pack team talks to usand we go about working to create what it is y'all needfor the future. and i'm telling you right now,we're listening, you know, better than ever. we've got the team that'sexecuting better than ever. and if you would, becauseyou're counting on them and i'm counting on them.
but, would you all stand upreal quick? this is our executive teamright here. ty, klause, roberto, ramone. right here. kyle, mike remedios. [applause] ladies and gentlemen, i haveenough time with them on deck, in the office, face to faceconversations in the hallways, dan, yeah?
we got a team? everybody, another round. of course, there's a lot morethan this. there are a lot, there's somany people to the team that they rely on. and any time you call theoffice, or you can, i don't mind, send gifts tothe office, whatever. don't bribe them, but love onthem. and again, you know, i've beendoing this about 20 years
and i've just never heard of itor seen it before where you have the kind of relationshipsin the field amongst the leaders that we have, where youhave the kind of relationship between the fieldand the corporate office that we have. i've never seen it, i've neverheard of it before. and so, i know that's why wecan just be that big, and if we don't... if we don't, we're gonna enjoythe ride.
but if we do, and we live up toour potential, i mean, it just wakes up the industry. we were at a major, majorevent, one of the biggest events of the year, i think, forour industry, and a voice that matters, i mean, a verylegitimate, very credible voice that has an overview of theentire industry said, when it comes to vision and when itcomes to opportunity for the future, worldventures standsalone. now, that's just something thatcomes out in a
moment, but you know what, ilisten to it and it says something. it says, people from the outsidebelieve in us that much. and that is our potential andit's up to us to come together as a team and live upto that potential. keep me in your prayers, keepmy family in your prayers, keep our leadership inyour prayers, keep each other in your prayers. and it starts with me at homeand my number one, my number
one, savannah forgive me whenyou're old enough to understand this, but you're mynumber two, but god, i love you so much. but honey, you are my numberone. i love you, sweetie. and i've seen how you spouses,we make each other better, and for youspouses like that, god bless you, thank you, but for rightnow, help me recognize my spouse, she's 29, again.
beautiful, beautiful,beautiful, inside and out, and she looks 28, 27, 25. 25. and, it starts with me at homeand it starts with me and her, so let us feel it andenergize us right now, please, join in with my family, myextended family. honey, ♪happy birthday toyou, happy birthday to you, ♪ ♪happy birthday dear susan,happy birthday to you. ♪ thank you, everybody.

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