previously on delos brady and i arrive back to delos to join the rest of the crew along with my sister babs. now with a family of 7 we headed to the stores in the duty free island of langkawi, malaysia to provision for our long journey across the indian ocean. we also get a rig inspection and do a quick fuel run before sailing out of malaysia. bye bye malaysia!
and hello thailand! ha ha hello thailand! cheap massages, foot scrubs, and ..... the sweet life! and ping pong shows. are we going to the ping pong show?!??! did you hear that? we're going to a ping pong show. yeeaaahh!!! it felt pretty unreal we had only flown in about a week earlier, and here we were finally all together stocked up, and at the beginning of this wild season heading out on our first sail. do you reckon i could have a turn as well or maybe another time?
really good!!! yeah!! (laughing) (laughing) i feel like a retard..... karin- can you keep a little eye on the genoa since it's first time? (wind noise and winch noises) getting the sails up and seeing our buddha man fly for the first time was an awesome feeling. (winch noises) cool! looks so cool! here we go! gooday buddha!
that's sweet! (hands clapping) wooohoo! we're sailing! it's bloody massive! alright! the buddha man flies. well, the amel logo came off on the main the first time putting it up. so, we gotta go up before we get around this point and the wind picks up. we gotta pull the sticker out. it's kind of shit, but hey..... we'll fix it.
ok, all good. are you ready to go? go for it! i think i'm just gonna cut it bro. yeah... even though we had little wind with the new sails we were comfortable and moving a steady 6 knots. hello cruising! (music) hello! 0:04:40.380,1193:02:47.295 in the short space of a few hours we had sailed out of malaysian waters and were officially in thailand.
our first stop was a small island called koh chuko, aka, lovers hole. hey! what are you at now? yea that's plenty. welcome to thailand! hows it feel? it feels good! we're out, we're cruising! we're in thailand, out of malaysia how long was the sail? like 3 hours. yeah not so far but it was a nice sail. yeah.. we're first gonna go to the island and just have a swim and chill out and i think we're gonna have a bbq tonight.
nice! so what are you guys doing? fruit basket. brady will show you a fruit basket. ewwww. gross. you look like a bunch of malaysia fisherman trying to fix your net. what do you think brian? it's hot bro. need more water. yeah. i think it's time for a swim. (music) amateur newbie move, babs forgot to put sunblock on her legs. checking into thailand is pretty laid back
which gave us a some leeway to cruise the islands before checking into phuket. it was pretty sweet! my first encounter with thailand was swimming in from the water onto a golden sand beach! thailand!! this sweet little walk through cave is lovers hole and it was said if you walk through with someone you would have eternal love! (music) after a few beers in the sunshine out came the drone and brian gave us newbies a bit of a lesson. i can see the concentration! karin always makes fun of me for the look i get. she calls it my drone flying face, and now you get one too!
after watching each others drone flying faces we decided to test our skills to see what kind of sailing shot we could get and it was the perfect background, and the perfect end to a perfect day! (serious music) two weeks before max arrived to delos he was diagnosed with dengue fever and salmonella now his fever was coming back which started to worry us a bit. my fever has gone down a a bit so i'm feeling a little bit better now. i'm gonna try to call the clinic that we went to in langkawi. and see if ummm.. 'case the doctor said if you have any problems just give us a call
so i might call him and ask if this could be like dengue after effects. so we've decided to leave and go to the nearest clinic which we think is in ko lipe. it's a short, like 11 miles, so we should be able to be there in a couple of hours. we'll get it sorted out plus they've got thai food and massages there so it's a win-win! we're here in koh lipe! and hopefully we'll find a clinic for max. and check out what's going on. you can say hi "sowhattika"
and thank you is "ka poon ka". do you actually say "hi sowhattika" ? no, that means hi! and the longer you go with "kaaaa" it means their being polite. and it means that they like you. soowhattikaaaaaaaa! (anchor noises) as soon as we dropped the anchor brady took max and frida to shore to try and find a clinic. it's always a bit scary getting sick in a foreign country. we were lucky to be close to an island that had some sort of a clinic though.
hi, sorry- do you know where we can find a doctor? siam clinic! siam? yeah. how far? on the right hand side. thank you! yeah, so we found this clinic here. ummm. siam clinic. i don't know where we are. ko lipe. ho lipe. chuckle. so we're gonna see a doctor. i got dengue in bali. and now this is 2 weeks ago. i am starting to feel
the same. i have a fever for 2 days now and i have pains all over. and i think i have a urinary infection as well cause it hurst when i pee. okay.. just breathe. yea maybe uti. is there pain? right here? umm. normally dengue fever wont you know what. there is no effect after you got infections. i mean like when you get over dengue infection you won't get any fever again.
so if they tested for it in mayalsia i wonder if they tested for only 1 type. it's all 4 types. so i mean if you're infected by the first dengue and the second time like one week later you can get infected by another type of dengue because it's different form the first one. but can you treat for urinary infection. yes, yes what i'm saying is like i will give you the antibiotic for your uti its one times a day. how many days? should be seven days. cause i can't do that for seven days cause i'm leaving tomorrow. i can inject him. leaving to where. which island?
or to which country? ummm. we're heading towards phucket. yeah eventually. phuket? (laughing) we are on a sailing boat. we are traveling by sailing boat to phuket. is it possible to get pills instead? sailing boat ?!?!? by yacht! okay....... sure..... it has to be! if it has to be, it can be. okay! so at least inject it today. and after that you can take pills. is it just an injection or is it in the vein. it's vein. ok, so i won't do that... (laughing) i've had a good trip.
this is like the..... maybe blood test number 40 on this trip!! ha ha! yea. in bali every 12 hours they came. changing nurses!!! and then blood test in the middle of the night. you spent more time in hospitals than in delos. yeah. yeah. salmonella, dengue, and urinary infection to sum it. and that's been like a month. yup. oh. he he. i'm gonna look away. yeah man that's all good.
make your hand into a fist. it's okay you can watch it later. ha ha ha. so that's it bro. now the easy part. you're gonna take all that really good liquid into your body and it's kill all the bacteria. oh i got that one as well??? oh shit... it's back. (laughing) i thought it was just a blood test. he says that the women are more gental than the men because he had alot of blood tests in bali and whenever a male nurse would come it they were a bit more rough. yeah and it hurts. when a lady does it it's better. he he.
yea, i'm on iv fluids and there's antibiotics in there i'm not sure what. and i'm getting some cipro tablets so yeah, it's good. it's good. felling better already! while max was getting his iv fluids and antibiotics the rest of us did a bit of a dinghy cruise to come in for a bit of exploring. this was my first thai town, and i was excited to check it out. these are called long tail boats, used by the local fisherman
but mostly to zip all the tourists around. it's a tight squeeze right there. ko lipe is a small and cute little tourist town with bars, restaurants, and lounges lining the beach. down the cozy main street you'll find more restaurants, extremly cheap massages and local arts and crafts. after some street food and open window shopping we went in for the grand event of our first thai massage! and we hit the jackpot! only 5 bucks for an hour long massage!
yeah, it was good. nice? yea i feel relaxed. what did you get? oil? oral? oral massage? (lauging) no i got the um... neck and shoulders. he had really magic hands at one point he sort of lifted my head up and he tried two different pillows and he was laughing throughout the whole massage and then he put me down he just went under here i was like. ohhh yeah that's it! and he just went for it. i was like you can stay there for another couple of minutes! you're used to them. you've been here for long enough. i feel like totally
they've never gone that deep though. like a deep tissue. i think it's time for maybe a couple of beers and maybe a foot massage! shit yeah, sounds real good. it's so good. i got an oil massage. almost fell aslepp. you got oral too huh? oh you had an oral massage? she put her elbows in her my hips. and i was like huuuh! and she was like sorry! yeah it was the best massage i've ever had except you got the .... josje got the uh lady-boy. i finally got a massage without getting the lady-boy.
yea i want a bit of that. yummm. massaged out and nearly falling asleep we decided to take our dinghy back home and nestle into our bunks for the night although the night was still in full swing. back on delos and not long into the night we were woken up by a couple of nasty squalls that rolled through the harbor. where's the big spotlight? whatta we got bro? we're gonna **ckin light em' up that's what we're gonna do. we're gonna get to the bottom of this shit. (loud rain)
the squalls come in! we're in koh lipe island and the winds picked up and theres lightening everywhere. and this catamaran behind me is dragging towards us. so brian woke me up and we're shining lights at them and airhorning them before they hit us. it seemed our plan had worked. the people onboard were up and seemed to be figuring out the situation. did you yell at them they're dragging brian? you're dragging! no, you're dragging! oh, is that a butt?
you see a butt? oh my god he's naked! i think they're all naked. oh no he's wearing undies. you just can't see it. in night vision. (heavy wind) i don't know man all these people are driving around nobody is resetting their hook. like that guy off our starboard he's just driving. you see where those yellow lights are? over there? the whole team, like a boat load of people with flashlights
just came and got onto that boat. we generally can't sleep when big squalls like this hit us, especially in an anchorage with charter boats and inexperienced sailors. yeah, they've kind of motored like they motored that way but we swung around this way. yeah. i hope they don't set their hook there. it's a scary thought knowing your home can be hit in the middle of the night, or drag away and end up on the reef, or destroyed on the rocks. the squall had picked up a lot of swell so by morning we were just waiting for the boys to return from shore so we could pick up the anchor and move on.
yeah.... it's been really bad. the anchorage here was shit. um. we had to come here because max had to get to the hospital otherwise i don't think we would have come here. so it's been a really bad night. i don't think anyone slept. i know i haven't slept at all. i've been awake the whole night. the boat has just been going like this. ummm. so the other guys brian, max, and brady just went with the dinghy in to take max and his urinary infection in. to the hospital and we're just sort of staying here, hanging out!
ha ha ha. but yea really tired and.... just sort of fingers crossed the sea is just gonna calm down now. and how about that catamaran in the middle of the night that nearly like it was going towards us! blinking flashlights like wake up! wake up! and all these sounds and everything. i was like i was like what the **ck is going on? i just heard brian screaming brady- get up here! and i was like what the **ck is going on? uhhhh. such a bad night. how are you gonna come in? we're just gonna go for it.
that's the best way isn't it? luckily it wasn't another case of dengue, so armed with his antibiotics for his uti and some thai pancakes we were out of there. so how was that ride? it was good, yeay, yeah, pretty sweet. we found the pass pretty easily. yeah? that's good. alright! that was one of the worst rolliest **cking nights we've ever had. it's good you get to see the shitty part 'cause then you'll really appreciate the goodness. it doesn't get a whole lot worse than that. that's good- that's good to know!
yeah, i was about to jump on a plane. ha ha he he. **ck this shit! i'm outa here. (laughing) hearing the helicopter coming. we were sailing towards the magical island of ko muk but it was a little further than a days sail away so we pulled into this little anchorage to get some well needed sleep for the night. where are we brotha? awww- ko kwang. ko kwang? ummm. yeah we just made it here just before sunset after our shit night last night in ko lipe.
and we're just dropping the hook in 5 meters of water. and it's still dragging with 40 meters of chain out. soooo- we're gonna move and try another spot. and hopefully it grabs something. 'cause the bottom is a shit! ha ha- it's probably like that much sand with **ck rock layer or something. **cking shit holding mate! loosing the grip! ha ha ha. literally! anchoring is something we're always pretty conservative about.
so wind or no wind, after dropping the anchor we always back down on it up to 1500 rpm, this way we always sure that we're set. show me that concentration face. ok that's 38 meters! stretching out! that's 1500. dragging! ok i think we're good what do you think karin? yea, we hooked right there! ok, snub it up! i think we should be aware though in the night it it's any wind
or if the wind comes up or anything cause it's set but it's still you know.... much too soon morning came and it was a new day. josjerama is instant-gramming. yup. and facebookifying. yea trying to share this video of our new sails, the video with the drone i see.... but the internet is not really cooperating. what are you doing breeyawn? videoing everybody working. nice... hey mate! look at that bar. it's never been that small before in the inbox. wow, that's amazing
what are you doing kazza? video making time! ha ha. it's a lot of footage and um. i'm just thinking about how to put it all together in a good way. ummmhmmm. i like it! look at everybody it's computer day! i know! what are you guys doing? i'm writing first blogpost. so i'm trying to not like write too long of a post. maybe you should just look deep into the camera and read it. with a sexy voice? yeah.
people will be like.... i want your best swedish accent. video log. hello my name is frida from sweden. ya ya. ha ha. yeah, i'm writing some stuff for my website. ahh haa. work but in a different manner. yea exactly so i have some content to i have to push out and yeah, it's a good place to do it. yea, i think we all sort of this morning people woke up it's been silence- just working. and now it's 2:00 and it's lunch time. uhhhmm. we're gonna get going pretty soon. sweet. (jib unfurling)
we were continuing our sail towards the magical island of ko muk. any wind out there jos? umm, there's about 10 knots. yummmm! what's going on? forgot it was my day to cook. so i'm throwing together a fruit salad. and some leftovers from last night. and we are moving to ko muk island.
that watermelon looks **cking good! hows it going breeyawn? we're sailing downwind! it's awesome. buddha man is flying and the boat is cruising and lunch is almost ready. woohoo! life is a party, life is a party life is a party on the delos cruise on the delos cruise on the delos cruise! ha ha! up next!
we continue our island hopping in phad thai paradise. visit the mysterious cave and go on a delos mission to find the beach. they light up when they're agitated! come! oh max take 2! i'm max. from sweden. and i just forgot what to say again. why do you keep filming me? what? see you later.
what brought you to delos? ummmm. i don't know my girlfriend? no i'm kidding. um. what can we take that again. cause i shouldn't say my girlfriend brought me here. because that's not it. ok. do you need to take a video all the time? is that ok? ok i'll close it. you have to tell me if i'm licking my lips a bit. i don't know why i'm doing that.

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