alright! this is john kohler with,today we have another exciting episode for you. no we’re not going to do a juice-offbetween the nutribullet and the kuvings whole slow juicer today, what i am on, i’m actuallyon set ready to film my next video that’s actually already uploaded to youtube thatyou will want to check out if you haven’t seen it already it’s the top six reasonswhy juicing is better than blending. that being said, it’s my opinion that both juicingand blending and of course eating fresh fruits and vegetables are very healthy for you, andin this episode what i’m going to do is we’re going to go back to an hour long presentationi gave in las vegas, nevada talking about the different juicers, the differences betweenjuicing and blending and some of my secret
tips and tricks that i’ve learned over thelast 20 years of being on a plant-based raw food fruit and vegetable based diet. so withoutfurther ado, let’s get into that clip. today’s talk is on juicing for the new yearto look amazing, lose weight, gain energy, and to get healthy. now this is somethingthat i have personal experience with that i’ve been doing literally for the last 20years on a consistent and regular basis. and i can sum up this talk in just a few words,i mean the main benefit of the juicing and the blending and all this kind of stuff isfor one reason only, it’s mainly to get the best foods on the whole entire planetinto us, and hopefully one day you’ll crowd out all the other foods that you may be the best foods on the whole planet are
fresh fruits and fresh vegetables. and you’vebeen told this many time before, everybody says eat five to nine servings of fresh fruitsand vegetables a day, and people might eat some fruit, you know people love like bananasand mangoes i think are the top eaten fruits and they’re pretty easy because they tastegood they’re sweet, but most people, especially kids it seems like these days don’t liketheir vegetables. and based on my research that i’ve done hours and hours, the factsto me are clear that the leafy green vegetables are the most important vegetables that weshould be including, and unfortunately most people don’t eat their leafy green vegetables,and i don’t mean leafy green vegetables such as lettuce and iceberg lettuce and thelettuces which are leafy greens, but i really
want people to eat high quantities of thedark leafy green vegetables, the cruciferous family of vegetables really valuable, they’vedone studies with broccoli sprouts and how it can help with cancer, and every differentleafy green whether it’s a spinach or broccoli leaves, kale leaves, cauliflower leaves, dandelionleaves, they all have different phytochemicals and phytonutrients and these are the, swisschard another great one. they all have different properties in them help our body heal. andthere’s a substance in beets that athletes like to take because it increases how muchoxygen they can get into their blood. and it’s not like we should like “oh johnsaid kale’s the best vegetable to juice so i’m only going to juice kale.†we wantto juice kale one day, spinach one day, bok
choy one day. we’re very lucky to live herein vegas, we have the chinatown, and there’s a really cool market called 168 market atdecatur and spring mountain, and if you go in there, you’re going to be amazed at allthe different leafy greens that you never even saw at a smiths or an albertson’s becausethey have all these asian greens that are just insane. and there’s all different flavorsand once again, every different leafy green has different phytochemicals, and many ofthem have not even been researched up to this point as to know what positive benefit theycan have in the body. so my goal is not to wait for all the research to come out, mygoal is just to eat all the different kinds of leafy greens and more importantly to megrow them and eat them so that i can be as
healthy as i can.and that kind of leads me into my story on why i got into this lifestyle is because afteri graduated college i literally almost lost my life. i had spinal meningitis, i was takento the hospital, i literally passed out going into the hospital, i was admitted into theemergency intensive care and i basically woke up in the hospital and had the iv and everythingin me and i asked the doctors, “doctors, what’s going on?†because normally youget sick, you go to the doctors, they make you better so you think, and you go this particular situation i woke up because i was like “whoa i’m in the hospital,where am i?†and i was like “well what’s wrong with me?†he’s like “you got spinalmeningitis.†so the next question was “hey,
when am i going to get out of here?†he’slike “you might not be making it out of here.†so that’s not news you want tohear at any age, but especially not when you’re in your 20s, just graduated from college andhave your whole life in front of you and are like “man this really sucks. i could notmake it out of here and this could be the last thing i ever do in my life. that’snot fun.†and i thought about what was really important to me. even if i had a million dollarsor was really rich and had my nice sports car and all this stuff, would all that moneydo me any good? like no, i figured “man, all i really want is my health. because thisis like when i don’t have my health, you really want it.†and the money would havedone me nothing. and so this is a lesson that
i try to live out even till today is to notbe focused on money as being successful. if i wake up in the morning and i have my health,then i’m a success in the morning. and it’s so sad that in our society we’re taughtyou have to go after money, but people do things to jeopardize their health on a dailybasis. in my opinion the foods they’re consuming, the cell phones they’re using, the toxicchemicals and toxic cosmetics and different body care products they’re using, it’sall not good. so, at that point i really thought that my health is my greatest wealth, andi try to take that seriously and try to do things to enhance my health, and basicallya long story short, that got my foot in the door because when i left the hospital, i said“well doctor, why did i get the spinal meningitis?
nobody else at my college that i was hangingout with got it.†they said that i had what’s called complement immune deficiency, whichis they said basically a defective immune system because you have bad genes. and hesaid that you can get any other disease and be admitted next time in the hospital andnot be so lucky because it’s not like the boy in the bubble move in the 70’s, andyou guys may remember that movie. but i’m not that extreme but i’m not like a normalperson that has a healthy, working immune system, i’m somewhere in the middle. sothen, upon leaving there i’m like “man, that’s the one thing i’ve got to figureout is how i’m not going to get sick ever again, because this is not fun being toldthat you might lose your life.†and so that
led me on a journey and a quest, and my firststop, and my first introduction into eating a healthy lifestyle was juicing. and i sawa juice man infomercial back in the 1990s, about actually 1995 about juicing fruits andvegetables, and i saw jay kordich on there talking about how juicing could build yourimmune system, give you energy, you could lose weight. and i got on the phone and orderedthe juicer, and until it came i actually went down to the local walmart because i wantedto start juicing today and not wait two weeks because this is not the times of amazon primewith two-day shipping, so i bought a juicer at walmart it was on clearance sale for 24.97,took it home, started juicing stuff, and then it started like, the juices, hardly any juicecame out, the pulp was really wet and at one
point it started smoking. i’m like “whoa,what’s going on? i’m just juicing like the dude did on the infomercial.†so i tookit back, and as luck would have it they had one more, so i got that one, took it homeand guess what, the same thing happened. so i mean, you know, all juicers are not createdequal, i learned this at an early age, so i was happy when i did finally get the juiceman which actually is quite similar to this model over here, and it worked great for me,and even though i was still eating my regular diet, all i would simply do is for breakfastinstead of eating breakfast, i would drink a fresh juice. and at that point in time iwas just out of college, didn’t really have a steady job and didn’t have a lot of moneyso the cheapest thing to juice in the world
is carrots. and, depending if you need toget organic or not, i always encourage people to get organic if you guys can afford it andif you can’t, eating non-organic carrots is far better than a hamburger, a cheeseburgeror a shake, a coke, anything else virtually money can buy. and carrots can be bought veryinexpensive. for example the cheapest place for organic carrots in town, even cheaperthan the wholesale terminal if you go to la because i’ve done that before, is actuallyat costco you can get 10 pounds for 5 bucks, actually this is the bag, because i go therefor my carrots, the bunny love. and if you’re buying carrots too, you want to get the bunnylove brand whenever possible, because this is made by grimmway farms, and their carrotsare particularly sweet, i’ve tasted carrots
that you juice and then they taste like dirt,and it’s not fun. but these ones taste a little bit sweeter. that may be a negativefor people that don’t want the extra sugar in them, but i don’t think a little bitof sugar in the juices is that big of a deal as compared to processed sugars in cokes andother things that you guys might be drinking. and then for non-organic carrots even a placelike vaughns has non-organic carrots, i’ve seen them for five to 5.99 for 25 that’s incredibly cheap, so i don’t think anybody should be able to say “i can’tafford to eat healthy,†because carrots are dirt cheap, and one pound of carrots makesone cup of juice. so when i got into—on average, depending on the juicer of course,some more, some less. and when i got into
this i would literally juice five pounds ofcarrots every day for breakfast. and so that would only make four or five cups of juice,and i would get all the nutrients out of the carrots except for the fiber in me, and alsoin a very easy to digest form, which is something we’ll talk about in a little bit when wetalk about the differences between juicing and blending. and so that’s simply whati did, and i did that for breakfast, and then for lunch i had my regular lunch, and i thoughti was a vegetarian even though i ate chicken and fish, but i didn’t eat red meat. andso i ate my regular lunch, and then mid-afternoon i’d maybe make a couple more pounds of carrotjuice, and then for dinner i’d have my regular dinner. so just by doing this, i increasedmy fruit and vegetable intake dramatically,
i was going from basically maybe less thana pound of fruits and vegetables combined a day to five pounds at breakfast to maybeseven, eight – eight pounds of just carrots. and that’s huge, i mean there’s a protocol,it’s called the gerson therapy that they actually juice – a big part of the therapyis just carrots and apples, and they’ve cured people with the incurable diseases,and there’s a really good documentary i believe, i think it’s on netflix, aboutthe gerson therapy, and it’s amazing. they’ve been doing that for 30 plus years or more,just healing people with the power of vegetables, and more importantly getting the other foodsout of your diet, because those are the foods in my opinion, especially the processed foodsand the over-consumption of animal products
causes diseases from what i’ve i guess next let’s get into the differences between blending and juicing. one of the questionsthat people wanted asked – that some of you asked is actually “i thought blendingwas better than juicing because i heard all the fiber gets tossed. i went to a juicingclass where they convinced me juicing is dense and nutrient-packed, so now i’m confused.â€so if you turn on the tv, you watch a nutribullet commercial, “this is not a juicer, it’snot a blender, it’s a nutrition extractor,†and they tell you “this is the best thing,â€or if you watch a juicing infomercial with jay kordich, he’s going to say “the juicer’sthe best,†and you know so, what i think is whoever’s selling the product they’realways going to say it’s the best. now i’ve
got an easy job, since i sell juicers andblenders, so i’m going to tell you they’re both the best. but what i’ll also tell youguys is that the whole message for me is actually not necessarily even buying a juicer or ablender, but just to increase your fruit and vegetable consumption, whether you get a blender,whether you get a juicer, we have the best juicers and blenders on the whole planet,what are they? our teeth. if we masticate our food into a mush, right, that’s literallylike blending, and it’s even superior than blending because we’re working it at a lowerrpm, we’re exercising our jaw muscles, and we’re mixing the salivary amylase in ourmouth and the ptyalin with the food to help us get the food digested better than if weblend it and just slurp it down without getting
that saliva mixed in. so overall, if you don’twant to use one of these appliances that’s fine, you could sit there and chew up intoa mush five pounds of carrots. i mean if you ever thought “why do we feed babies babyfood, why don’t we feed them real carrots?†it’s because they don’t have the if you’ve got the teeth you should be chewing every mouthful into a mush beforeyou swallow it. and that’s why it takes me an hour or so, maybe two sometimes, toeat my dinner at night, because i have a nice large salad, and each mouthful is made intoa mush before i swallow it. so i don’t know, many people might not want to dedicate anhour or two to eat their dinner at night, so that’s why the appliances really makeit easier to include more fresh fruits and
vegetables, especially if you don’t likethe taste, you don’t like eating them, the juicer specifically concentrates the nutrientsdown. so the difference between blending and juicingis very simple – one removes the fiber, and one keeps it. now we could get into anargument all day, because this has happened on youtube when i’ve posted a video aboutjuicing this or blending that, and people say “you need the fiber,†and some peoplesay “you don’t need the fiber,†and, i mean i want you guys to try to live by amotto of not right and wrong or good and bad, what i try to really do is live my motto ofmaybe good, better, best, or maybe shades of grey, so like for example if you’re drivingon the 15, and you’re going the speed limit,
what is that 65 or something? and you’regoing to the speed limit at 65, you’re legal. but, if your friend next to you is going 66,technically he’s illegal. but meanwhile everybody else is blowing by you because they’redoing 75. but you know, what’s right and what’s wrong, you know? and there’s thatgrey area, cops for the most part won’t ticket you if you’re going one or two milesover the speed limit, especially if you’re in vegas because they just don’t have theforce to do that. but if you’re going 10 or 20, then you’re a goner, you know? sojust like that, blending and juicing, they both have their pros and cons, and i liketo do both at different times. some days i’ll juice, like today i’m drinking my—actuallylet me take a swig of this. this is actually
sugar cane lemon juice. mmmm. so yeah youtake the long stalks of the sugar cane, i have a special juicer that i put it throughand it wrings out all the juice out of it. and you might think sugar cane is actuallyreally sweet juice because it’s made out of sugar, but actually it only has about,depending on the sugar and if it’s ripe or not, the cane, it’s like 11 to maybemaximum 15 percent sugar content. i mean it’s mostly water content with a lot of differentonce again phytochemicals and phytonutrients, vitamins and minerals, and the grass familyof plants absorb 90 plus minerals into them. and orange juice, which many people may havedrank today actually has more sugar than sugar cane juice, which is quite interesting youwouldn’t think that. so sugar cane to me
is like a green juice because it turns greenand then i put some lemon in there, it kind of has the citric acid in there, makes ita nicer flavor, and then also helps it preserve longer because the sugar cane juices tendto go bad very quickly. so by removing the fiber, literally you’re able to eat moreof the fruit or vegetable. so when i would juice five pounds of carrots, i would getfive cups of juice, and five pounds of carrots in the blender will make five pounds of babyfood, and with all the fiber so you’re going to have to choke that down. so people say“but john, we need fiber,†you know we need fiber, we’re made to eat things andget fiber, so my question is if you eat sugar cane, and with the sugar cane you have thestalk, you bite into it, you could chew it,
and unless you’re pretty crazy you’renot going to swallow all that hard fiber from the sugar cane, you’re going to spit itout. so we are a juicer, we can juice with our teeth, but we also blend if we just cheweverything and swallow it, right? so the blender keeps the fiber, and at the same time unlikeme chewing on something, the blender runs at a high speed especially if you have somethinglike the vitamix which is my favorite high-speed blender. it runs in excess of 20,000 rpms,and they say that’s over 200 miles per hour how fast the blade’s spinning. and that’scool that it runs really fast, because it gets the job done fairly quickly, but there’salways a negative to juicing and blending for that matter, is as the blade spins, itrotates and with every rotation it’s creating
a vortex, and you can see the vortex if youlook in the blender. and with that vortex it’s sucking in air as the blender’s spinningand as it’s working to break open all the fibrous cell walls, and with all the air beingintroduced at such a fast rate, it oxidizes nutrients so bad that there’s one personthat i met in the raw foods movement that says that you lose 90% of nutrition in theblender. now i don’t know that i’d believe that because that seems a bit farfetched buti would definitely agree and bet my life that you lose more nutrition in a high-speed blenderthan the 43 rpm juicer i have over here, right? i will say that i don’t know if it’s 90%,but nonetheless, even if you’re losing 90%, 50%, 40%, whatever, and it gets you to eatmore fruits and vegetables and leafy greens,
then i think that is a good thing. now thejuicer on the other hand removes the fiber, and while we do need fiber and i don’t necessarilyadvocate living on juices for your whole life, i like to juice every day in general, i liketo blend every day, and then i like to eat foods whole and chew it up. i like to do allthree methods. and so, what people don’t understand when they say “oh blending’sthe best man, we’re keeping the fiber,†people don’t understand that if i livedin an age of 200 years ago, number one we wouldn’t have the appliances, and numbertwo the world is not polluted, we don’t have cell phone tower radiation, we don’thave pcbs, we don’t have heavy metals, we don’t have all this crazy stuff we’vegot nowadays, i would probably be fine with
just chewing things up into a mush and gettingall the fiber. unfortunately we’re not living 200 years ago now, and we have all these environmentaltoxins and things coming at us. i believe by concentrating the nutrients and being ableto get more in a smaller condensed space, i think that’s much more beneficial, andthe main reason for the juicing and removing of fiber is two-fold, and this is where ithink juicing really shines, and if i really had to choose one it’d be tough becausei really like blending, i really like juicing, i really like eating things whole. if i hadto choose one i would really just go for the juicing. i would have to pick that over theblending actually, and here’s why – the main thing that i’ve seen is that over theyears, people’s digestive systems get kind
of messed up, and they just don’t work this means that if you’re eating food, even if you’re putting in your mouth thebest organic food, and your body’s not being able to extract the nutrients out of it andthen it just goes right through you, then what good was the food? so, with the juicerbecause it removes the fiber, and there’s soluble and insoluble fiber, it removes the– let’s see the soluble fiber is in the water, and it removes the insoluble fiberso you’re still getting some fiber in the juice, but because it’s removing the fiber,your body has a much easier time to digest the food, because all the fiber’s removedand they say there’s little villi in your intestinal tract that are able to basicallyget the nutrients out of the juice and into
you very quickly. now the fiber will slowdown that process and things will not move as quickly and you won’t get the immediatenutrients into you because it slows it down. so that’s the reason why i think the juicingis much more beneficial in this day and age, because it does remove the fiber so that wecan get the absorption because of people have a lot of digestive issues these days. andthen the other reason is to be able to concentrate the nutrients to get more of the good stuffin, because we have all these other things coming at us all the time. oh not to mention,the other fact that i really like to talk about too is the produce of today is not eventhe same as the produce of the 1950s. they have done studies where like an apple todaygrown today has two times less nutrition as
an apple from the 1950s, and some people mightsay “oh that’s because of the different varieties these days,†and while that mayplay a part of it, i believe the bigger part is the soil, and the soil is being depletedat an amazingly fast rate, and even organic agriculture that’s done on a massive scaleis not replenishing the soil to the levels where they need to be to grow high-qualityfood. so if you’re eating substandard food that already has less nutrients than it didin the 1950s, you better be concentrating it to at least get those levels that werethere back then, because if you’re just eating one carrot it could be like eatingthree carrots back in the day. so that’s why i like to—once again another reasonto concentrate the nutrients, but that’s
another very important reason to grow yourown food, because you can do things in your garden so you can far exceed the quality ofthe food that money can buy in the store through conventional even organic agriculture or agribusinessdone on a large, big scale. and if you think you’re getting good quality produce fromthe farmer’s market, i’ve been to a lot of farmer’s markets, i buy a lot of produce,and unfortunately most farmers are still not even aware of the things they really needto do to the soil to bring the quality of the produce that they’re growing up, whichis quite sad, i did a video actually where i went to the farmer’s market over at thesprings reserve, and the lady said “you know this is the best watermelon you evertasted,†and i’ve heard that so many times,
and i’ve had a lot of water melons like,all over the place, and then like, that was on a thursday and then on a saturday i wentto the one at tivoli village, and there’s another farmer there that actually adds sometrace minerals and things that would be in line with my thoughts. he’s like “oh yeahthese are really good water melons.†and i took that home, and i did what’s calleda brix test, i checked the sugar levels and i also checked the nutrients in the watermelons there, and i also bought an organic water melon at whole foods, and of all threeactually the whole foods water melon was the best, which is quite sad because i do liketo support local organic farmers when i can, but they have to have higher quality stuff,especially if they’re telling you it is.
so anyways that’s another point. anywayso let’s go ahead and do this little comparison to show you guys the difference between blendingand juicing. i think first we’re going to go actually do the juicer here. so today i’mjust going to juice a very simple juice, it’s just basically carrots and apples. and thefirst thing i want to say is that the juicer, this is an omega vsj 843, it runs at 43 revolutionsper minute so it’s very quiet, it’s one of the quietest juicers out there. and we’rejust going to go ahead and—i think i’m out of the handouts. so we’re juicing thecarrots, and one of the peculiar things about omega vsj is that if you put a fat diametercarrot in it, it basically just stalls out on you, so what you have to do is you haveto just dunk one in and pull it out, and just
let it work on a little bit at a time. someof the other model juicers that are similar to this style, you can just dump the wholecarrot in and it’s not going to clog up. that’s one of the negative features of thismachine, yup, like it did right there. one of the positive features is that unlike othervertical auger style juicers, this one actually puts the least pulp in the juice, so somepeople like some pulp in the juice, which if you think you need some fiber then geta juicer that puts more pulp in the juice, and drink it. this one puts the least amountof pulp in the juice, of course you can get a standard strainer or sieve to strain thejuice out. i think that was my third carrot. now i’m going to juice some apples here,and the apples i’m juicing today are actually
the granny smith apples, and these are theapples that are best juiced in a slow juicer, we’re going to talk a little bit about slowand fast juicers in a minute. [inaudible] peel the carrot [inaudible]?no i actually recommend, if you have organic carrots which these are, do not peel the carrotsbecause with most vegetables and fruits, most of the nutrients are near the skin. now ifthe carrots kind of look funny or messed up then i’ll peel them but, in general i justdon’t want to waste my time, i try to minimize my work and labor. all right so what i’mtrying to do here is i’m trying to juice half the carrots and apples in the juicerso you can see the results. and then we’re going to juice half in the blender, or blendhalf of them in the blender to show you guys
the differences.john ? yes? did you have to go back to the farmers andinform them that you tested their [inaudible]. no i didn’t, i didn’t.[inaudible] curious to see what reaction they would have [inaudible].yeah i mean i don’t know, i mean it seemed to me that a lot of people, especially farmersare kind of like “we’ve been doing it this way, and this is how we do it,†andthey’re like not really wanting to change, i visit a lot of farmers in my time, becausei make videos on teaching gardening and farming online, and so i have over 1800 videos onyoutube—or 1700 videos sorry, or 1,000 videos
on that channel regarding farming, and soit’s kind of cool when i meet a farmer that i’m like making suggestions to on how theycan improve and they’re going to do it. most of them are really stuck in their waysunfortunately. and sometimes just by adding some extra nutrients that don’t cost a wholelot of money, you can really increase the quality of the food you’re growing. buti can’t really say anything because i’m not a farmer on a massive scale trying tomake a buck, because after all, most of them aren’t doing it for love, they’re doingit for a living, and they’ve got to make a living.john are you familiar with the tower garden from [inaudible] plus?the tower garden, i am familiar with the tower
garden.what do you think of it? so if we could hold all the questions to theend, because otherwise i won’t get on my presentation, but if you want to save thattill the end i do have a time at the end for questions and answers. all right so as youguys can see i juiced the carrots and apples, now we’re going to go ahead and put thesame mixture in the blender. and so if you’ve ever been to costco they always have the vitamixguy putting in all the stuff whole and all this stuff, and i will be putting in the seeds,now there is a cyanide-like compound in the seeds, and people are like “i can’t believeyou juiced that stuff john and you’re going to eat it,†or whatever. and in my opinion,there’s always two ways to look at things
– you could be “okay good, bad, right,wrong, cyanide seeds bad,†you know and apple seeds. or you could look at it like,well you know there’s this substance called b17, i think they probably sell it at thehealth food store, also known as laetrile, and actually that’s a good nutrient thathas been shown to be anti-cancer, and that’s in the apple seeds. and so for me, as longas i’m not eating 50 million apples and all the seeds, i’m fine with it. i probablywouldn’t recommend anybody sit there and eat apple seeds, but a little bit in hereis fine, because in here actually the apple seeds, most of them are actually coming outwhole, they might getting a little bit fractionated and getting a little bit of juice out of the blender now you’re going to get all
of it, and so i always recommend pre-cuttingthings before putting in the blender, and when loading up your blender you want to putthe wateriest item first, so if i was doing tomatoes, it would be best to put the tomatoesfirst. now the apples are a little bit waterier than the carrots, so we’re going to putthose in. and in general, normally what you have to do when you’re blending things,you have to actually add some water, so i’m not going to try to add water because i don’twant to really put water in there. so what we’re going to do is we’re going to takethe tamper that actually comes with the vitamix, and we’re going to turn this guy on, okay,plug your ears. [blender whirring]that’s a lot of work. [laughing] i’d rather
just juice it. all right. i would have beeneasier if i would have added water but i’m kind of hard headed like that. so as you guyscan see, this is the difference, we have carrot juice here, nice and thin, we have this [laughing]—thisslop here. so which one would you rather drink to get a couple of pounds of carrots in you,right? i mean, i could eat this if i was starving and there was nothing else, but it’s nottoo fun. so one of the cool tricks that i like to do is i like to, you know you couldactually take the pulp and put it through the machine, and it should be somewhat effectiveto squeeze out some of the juice. now the juicers such as this one, it really wouldhave been helpful if i would have saved a carrot to put it through there because reallyit doesn’t like already broken up particulate
to go through there, it doesn’t really comeout too good. but yeah i mean, t hat’s the main difference, you’re saving the fiber,and yeah there’s pros and cons to fiber. in my opinion, for most people it’s a con,and that’s basically and you can concentrate the amount of nutrition you’re getting intoa much smaller area than having a ton of stuff. also it’s a lot quieter in most cases touse the juicer. let’s go ahead and set that over i guess the next thing i want to talk about now that you know the difference between blendingand juicing, basically you’re keeping the fiber, this is running at a higher speed,that’s in general running at a lower speed— oxidizing.yeah oxidizing, you’re losing nutrients
in there. you’re going to get better digestionout of this, yes you’re going to get the fiber and there’s something to be said aboutgetting fiber because most americans don’t get enough fiber, so you know if you—andthe other thing is cleaning, i’m not going to fib you on this—cleaning a blender isso much easier than cleaning the juicer. this takes, literally i’m kind of lazy, i justrinse it out, scrub it a little bit and then put it to dry, i’m done. the juicer, that’smaybe 30 seconds, this takes me like 3 minutes. and still, that’s not a whole lot of time,but you’ve got to take out the screen, you’ve got to scrub it down and all this stuff. butyou’ve to ask yourself, because another question somebody asked is how to do it fastand easy for working professionals, and i
think that, i know everybody’s busy in ourlifestyle, we lead a really busy, fast, hectic lifestyle these days, and i really want peopleto invest the time in themselves you know, in their health because that’s why you’rehopefully doing this for your health, if you don’t have your health you can’t go towork, you can’t make money you can’t do anything. so even if it takes you three minutesto juice, to clean the juicer and, you know i have a video where i juice, within 10 minutesi have all the produce prepped and it’s all clean so i just run it through the juicer,and i juice 32 ounces and i clean the juicer all within 10 minutes. so it is possible.yeah it would be a lot quicker to blend it, maybe at least half the time, but i want tolet you guys know that you’re worth it,
and the first time you juice it’s goingto take a little more time because you’re going to get to know the hang of it and howto do it and how to save time, but once you start doing it, and you know i have this oneguy i visit in costa rica, like juicing is his ritual in the morning. he gets up andhe just kind of like washes his stuff, he cuts it up, juices it and then he drinks hisjuice, enjoys it, and his health is great because he’s taken the time to do that,and it’s like his meditation. he puts some music on and that’s the difference between juicing and blending, basically you have more bioavailability,because you’ve broken up the particles in a smaller size, better digestion, you couldget more fruits and vegetables and you’ll
have more energy, higher nutrition, weightloss, and glowing skin. next i want to get into the different types of juicers. there’smany different types of juicers. somebody else asked what’s the best juicer, and that’slike a trick question to me, because it’s like if you’ve got kids and somebody asksyou who’s your favorite kid, right, you going to pick out one? probably not. so mepicking out my favorite juicer is difficult, but if somebody asks you which one of yourkids is the best at sports, then of course you’re going to have an answer for if somebody asks me “john, what’s the best juicer for juicing kale greens,†orsomething, then i’ll have an answer for them. because every juicer’s a little bitdifferent, every juicer has their pros and
cons. so the first one on the list is a citrusjuicer. so we all might have one of those, the kind that reams the juice out. those prettymuch only work for citrus fruits. there’s the electric ones and then the ones that areactually a press. so i like to take the handle and then press it down. they have some reallycool ones that are antiques now, made before we had electricity, those are my favoriteones actually the ones, and then the brand names are listed, and the olympus press, theone that’s bolded, is my favorite. then we get over to the centripetal juicer, sothese were the first kind of juicers that were introduced, and luckily enough for mewhen i was a kid my parents actually owned, i think it was a hamilton beach centripetaljuicer, and the centripetal juicer, it works
on centripetal force, which is something mydad explained to me when i was a young age, and that’s kind of like how your washingmachine works on the spin cycle. so basically the clothes are wet in there, it just spinsreally fast and all the water’s flung out of your washing machine. well in the centripetaljuicer, it shreds up the produce, all the shredded produce stays in the basket muchlike your clothes washing machine, and then spins around really fast and all the juiceis flung out, and it comes out the spout. so those models are now very outdated in myopinion, and if you have to get one i would recommend the omega 9000. but those, becausethey continually are running and continually pushing air through the pulp, you get a higherlevel of oxidation, which is one of the enemies
to nutrients. so that’s why i really don’tlike the centripetal juicers these days. next we get up to the centripetal ejectionstyle juicer and that’s like the one i have right here. this is actually called the lequipmini 110.5, and this is kind of like the original juiceman 2 juicer i bought in the infomercial.i mean the design really hasn’t changed too much. so this one runs probably aboutmaybe 8,000 to 10,000 rpms, it’s a lot faster. i’ve had these described as airplanes takingoff in the kitchen, especially when you’re putting carrots or whatever through thereit can get a little bit louder. and how this works, is this works like a centripetal juicerbut instead of, you know so the produce is grated with these little shreds, and thenwith the little grates, and then the produce
is shredded at the same time, it’s microshredded, the juice is released, the juice basically gets flung out these little holeshere, and then the pulp basically through the spinning action gets kicked out the backinto a hopper. so this is centripetal ejection style. so i like this style more than thecentripetal style without the ejection, but once again, there’s some problems with thecentripetal style, namely the biggest problem for me personally is that you’re not ableto effectively juice leafy greens in it. so leafy greens are the most important thingthat i think people should be juicing, and this one does poorly at leafy greens, if youput leafy greens in there, it’ll kick out large chunks of leafy greens. now this actuallyis a pretty good juicer for juicing carrots
and once again i think somebody juicing anythingis better than them juicing nothing and then getting a pasteurized juice at trader joe’sdown the way or whatever because when they pasteurize juices, you lose all the enzymesand also a lot of the nutrients are greatly diminished so much so that many juices thesedays are actually fortified with nutrients that should have been there in the first place,which i think is ridiculous. but yeah so you can juice leafy greens, also there’s a littlebit more oxidation happening in here than say, a slow juicer. but, i mean the benefitis it’s fast, right? it’s fast, and on hard vegetables it actually works fairly well,on nice firm fruits it actually works fairly well.and that’s a centripetal ejection, next
we get down to the centripetal ejection widemouth. so this was made popular by the breville juicer, how many people saw the movie “fat,sick, and nearly dead� a few people. that’s definitely a really good movie to watch tomotivate you about the power of juicing, it is free actually right now on, youcan watch the documentary on juicing. it’s also on netflix, if you have a netflix subscription.what’s the name of it? fat, sick, and nearly dead.fat, sick… and nearly dead. yeah it’s a guy that cameover from australia to the us and he did a juice fast and he lost a ton of weight andgot some amazing results just through the juicing alone. and he used the breville juicefountain and that is basically centripetal
ejection with a three inch wide feed chuteso now you don’t have to cut the produce up small, you can put whole small apples inthere without much effort, and to save a little bit of time because you don’t have to cutthe things up. but nonetheless that still runs at a high speed and high rpm and doesn’ttend to juice leafy greens too well. if you want more information than i’m giving youon these specific juicers today because i can’t spend a half hour on each differentmodel, i do have over 300 videos on youtube comparing the high-speed breville to the omegaor the kuvings or the slow juicers and you can kind of see where i talk about each oneand get into specific details about how it works, and then i juice the same amount ofproduce in each juicer to show you guys the
yields and the color differences in the caseof a high speed versus a slow juicer and the juice we have a masticating juicer, and this is basically the champion juicer, masticatemeans like to chew, and the champion is an old-school juicer man it’s probably beenout since the 50s, and it has an auger that runs several thousand rpms, 1725 rpms i believe,and basically it has these little blades on here so it grinds things up and basicallygets the juice out. and i’m not a big fan of the champion juicer because much like,i mean i like cars from the 1950s for certain reasons, but efficiency is not one of them,and the champion, the design has not changed since the 50s, and you know cars of todayfor example have air bags and traction control
and all these crazy features i can’t evenkeep up with. i really like the car i got into was a ford, and i got in the car, andyou just line the car up next to the curb or where ever and you hit the button and itparks for you, it parallel parks for you. whoever thought? but yeah the champion juicer’slike a car of the 50s that just really hasn’t been updated, and the thing i like the championfor the most is to make the banana sorbet or banana ice cream is what people call just take ripe bananas, you peel them, you freeze them, and then you take them outand you put them through the machine, and it makes a frozen yogurt style consistencyout the front of the machine. and the champion by far does this the best over any other juiceri’ve tested, and that’s for one reason
– because when you put it in the champion,it’s running so fast and the way it works, it actually injects air and fluffs up thebanana ice cream to make it nice and fluffy. consequently it has a really nice mouth feeland texture, but it also melts fairly quickly. and if it’s doing this to banana ice cream,just think what it’s doing to the juice when you’re juicing in it. it’s addingair, it’s oxidizing the juice which is lowering the nutrition. and it’s quite funny thatin champion’s marketing materials even to this day i don’t think they’ve even changedit yet, it says “our champion makes a darker juice,†and they’re trying to promotethis as a good thing. the darker juice means it’s oxidizing, which is a bad thing inmy opinion.
okay so next we get into the horizontal singleauger style juicer so i didn’t bring one of those with me today, but that works prettymuch similar to this machine. there’s an auger in there much like this, and this isa horizontal auger because this auger’s running up and down, and what happens is theproduce gets put in this auger kind of like the old-fashioned meat grinder compressesthe space that the produce is in until it literally squeezes out the juice which thencomes out the front, the screen and then is ejected out the front. and the horizontalones pretty much run the same way except that the auger is running horizontally, the augeris more narrow, and the horizontal augers, i like them because they are the most efficientat juicing things like the sprouts and the
leafy greens and wheat grass if you want tojuice a lot of that stuff. they don’t tend to handle juicing fruits too well. but forpeople that say “john, i want to just do mostly green juices,†then i would recommenda horizontal single auger machine. one of the things i don’t like about the horizontalsingle augers is that this machine pretty much for the most part you can just drop producein there and it’s auto-feeding which i love. on the single auger horizontal machine you’veliterally got to take the pusher and then push in each piece of produce, and i don’twant to sit there and push each piece of produce, i’d rather chop it up, dice it up, and justdrop handfuls in and let the juicer figure all that stuff out. also on the horizontalauger machines, one of the features i like
is that it’s quick and easy to clean, soit’s probably the simplest and quickest juicer to clean. it takes me about a minuteand a half to clean it, and it takes me with the vitamix maybe 30 seconds, so it’s nottoo much longer because you literally just brush off the screen which has a really smallscreen area which is the hardest part on any juicer to clean to get all the pieces of pulpout of all the holes, and horizontal auger machines, they’re pretty much like verysimple and easy to use. you could pretty much put in anything in any combination and it’sgoing to work for you successfully. next we get to the vertical single augers,and this is my personal favorite style machine for my lifestyle and for what i juice themost. this is the omega vsj, and this is the
best vertical auger for juicing greens toget the highest yield of all the ones i’ve tested.[inaudible] leaf—yeah this is the best, i mean overallthe horizontals are better for greens, sprouts and wheat grass, but if you want to get avertical, this is the vertical to get for the greens specifically. and besides juicingthe greens and the carrots and fruits, it does those fairly well like the horizontalaugers, they really choke for the most part on fruits, like i tried to juice a pineapplein a horizontal auger and a vertical one, and the pineapple just clogged up and amazinglyenough it made it within 10% of the yield, but it was such a pain in the butt to plungeeverything in there and then it would back
up and then it made a really pulpy juice thati had to strain out. and so in general like this machine is more versatile for juicinga wide variety of things. and that’s the reason why i like the vertical style machines,plus they also take less counter space. let’s see, next we’re going into the twingear machines, and the twin gear machines basically have two gears in them, like twoaugers running next to each other but they’re actually gears kind of like inside an automotivetransmission. some of you guys may have seen inside a transmission with the gears runningtogether. basically the produce is put in between the gears, and the gears literallycrush and squeeze all the juice out. and this happens in multiple stages. so in the greenstar elite gse 5000 there’s three distinct
stages that’s trying to imitate a [inaudible]juicer. first you put it in and everything’s basically crushed up, and then they have alittle mixing stage where the produce is mixed, and then the final stage is pressing stagewhere the juice is pressed out. in addition something like the green star elite has farinfrared and magnetic technology which they say pulls out more nutrients in the juice,and i have seen testing basically that show this. which the company has provided. in additionthey’re the only company that has made testing for their specific juices that say “ourjuices can be stored for up to 72 hours with minimal nutrient degradation,†because ofi believe this slow process they’re using to extract the nutrition plus the other technologiesthat keep the nutrition there longer. other
companies such as the omega company and otherjuicer companies that have slow juicers, they all claim that their juices can be storedup to 72 hours, but repeatedly i’ve asked them for documentation to show what you’relosing, and they’ve never provided any. so they basically just copied the other guy.that being said, i do not ever recommend storing your juices. once again, it’s always good,better, best. i would rather have you drink a three day old juice made in a centripetaljuicer, than a mcdonald’s hamburger, than a snicker’s bar, than a coke or a coffeeor whatever. but you know i think it’s much better, and the thing i try to do is i tryto make the juice, and right after it’s made i drink the juice. and minimally, ifi’m going to store it which is quite rare,
because i make the time in my day to juicewhen i’m hungry when i’m going to drink it, because once again with the juice sittingout, i don’t know if you guys were watching this, but from the time i juiced it, it wasa pretty nice rich color, it was fully mixed, and even just sitting out, now we’ve gotsome juicer separation, and the color’s getting darker which is showing the’s like when you cut open an apple and it turns brown. we’re losing nutrition asit’s sitting there. so drink your juices right after made, and if you do have to storeit, say you have to go to work and you can’t bring your juicer to work, you want to putit in a glass bottle, like these kind of bottles or an old wine bottle, and what you can getat target is this thing for like a wine saver,
you put the little cork in there, you havethis little suction thing, it sucks out all the air, and then you can have this in anoxygen deprived environment so the oxidation cannot occur as quickly. and the other wayyou can do that is if you just put it in a jar and you don’t want to buy the contraptionyou can just put it in a jar of this and just fill it up to the very brim, like overflowingand then cap it off so you don’t have any oxygen space in there, and then keep the juicecold, and it’ll save easily for 24 hours. i don’t really like to drink juices olderthan 24 hours myself, but once again, good, better, best – fresh juice, even day-oldjuice is far better than other things you could be eating. and one of the questionsi always get a lot and i’ve been kind of
making a few videos on this topic lately isthe best juicer to purchase, “john what’s the best juicer?†and i kind of talked aboutthat earlier, like who’s your favorite kid, right? and the best juicer is the one thatyou’re going to use the most. so like, maybe “john that one takes too long, ten minutesis too long, i can juice in this one, and i can juice all my produce in a minute. orthe breville, i can literally juice five pounds of carrots in no time, it’ll just zip, zip,zip, zip, zip, [inaudible] done. i’ve got juice, right?†but if you buy this becauseoh it makes a higher quality juice and it does leafy greens better, but then it justsits there it’s not doing you any good, so then it would be better to just get thehigh speed machine at least so you get some
juice in you, rather than not. so one of thefactors you may want to consider is the speed, how fast the juicer works, the ease of cleaning,there’s some juicers that take me five, ten minutes to clean, which frankly i don’teven use those because even though the juice is the highest quality, it’s just a painin the butt, and unless i’m doing a demonstration with it, it sits on the countertop for me.another big criteria for many people is yield. i don’t want people to think yield is thesole criteria only based on the yield, because some of the brevilles and all this kind ofstuff the high speed machines actually get a higher yield on carrots than say the omeganc800 which is a horizontal auger style machine. but the juice quality of the juice you’remaking is higher quality on the slow machine
versus the fast machine. so it’s not allabout yield. and the next criteria could be nutrient quality, you know, if i had canceror something like that, i probably would not waste my time with a juicer like this, i’dgo to the juicer with the highest quality, and i would get dedicated to using it becausei would want to give my body every possible advantage, every possible nutrient that hasminimal oxidation to it so that i could heal. noise another big factor for some people,some people are noise sensitive. of course you know the blenders are the noisiest, thehigh-speed juicers are most noisy, and if you want the quietest juicer, well i’vegot it on the table, of all the ones i’ve tested. and of course another important criteriathat i would encourage you guys to look for
when buying a juicer is a long warranty, right?cheap department store juicers and blenders may have a short 30 day, 90 day warranty,and you get what you pay for, and i know some of these juicers cost a lot of money, butsome of them also have very long warranties. what other appliance can you think about thathas a 15 year warranty? is there anything anybody can even think of that has a 15 yearwarranty? i can’t think of one, i mean, you buy these $1,000 refrigerators you know,and they got a one year warranty i’m like, that’s a lot of money, i hope it doesn’tbreak on the 366th day. but this juicer here has a 15 year warranty, omega’s a nice establishedcompany, they’ve been in the us for a long time, they’re not going anywhere. and literallyyou buy a juicer once it’s a one-time investment
for the most part at least for the next 15years and i’m sure provided you take care of it, it’s going to last beyond that. soyeah and then something like the breville might have a one year warranty. so i wantyou guys to pay attention to the warranties and try to take all these factors into considerationwhen buying a juicer. another factor is, you know like i talked about the champion willmake the banana ice cream, which is another way you can get more fruits and vegetablesin you, even though i don’t really advocate people eating things like ice cream that hasthe monodiglycerides and corn syrup and gmo stuff and all kinds of additives and it’snot even real anymore it’s all like plastic food, we want to eat more fruits and vegetables,so by simply buying the ripe bananas that
are in the little bag at the store for cheap,you can just freeze them yourself and you can put them through certain juicers and youhave banana sorbet or banana ice cream. this is important for kids, you could flavor itup with some frozen strawberries and cherries and things like that and make it taste realgood to have a nice frozen treat in the summer time, so that’ll move you in the right directionof eating more fruits and vegetables. and certain juicers will do that task, and otherswill not. the types of produce that you should juiceare the ones that you’re not eating. that’s the easiest answer – if you’re not eatingleafy greens, then those are the ones you should juice. or if you’re not going tojuice them then blend them. actually i wanted
to talk about that for a minute. some certainproduce items are better blended than others. as is certain produce items are better juicedthan others. so for example, fresh fruits like blackberries or blueberries which i’vebeen eating a lot of lately and here’s a tip – fresh and easy market in town hasorganic blackberries and raspberries two for four dollars, which is below wholesale price.i don’t know if the sale’s off, but i’m going to probably go there on the way home.that’s a real amazing price. but anyways, the berries if you try to juice them, you’rethrowing your money away, because you’re going to get very little juice, a lot of pulp,and a lot of the nutrients are in the pulp. so for example today for my lunch i ate 20ounces of organic blueberries, they were on
sale at sprout’s last week. but, it was4.4 ounces for 1.79 for organic blueberries, amazing, so i stocked up. and got rain checkswhen they were out. but yeah, so just like some softer fruits are just better eaten andthen earlier this week i was actually blending my fruits in the blender because they’rebetter blended than juiced, so then you get all the nutrients and then you don’t wantto over blend them either, because if you over blend then you’re causing too muchoxidation and you’re losing nutrients. so today i just ate them. but on the other hand,carrots are something that’s the best juiced in my opinion more than blended. i mean asyou guys can see the slop and look at the color, it’s really oxidizing fast. actuallythat’s a nice test, the color of that versus
the color of this. i think that’s a littlebit darker still, even though we juiced, because of more higher speed. but yeah, carrots arebetter juiced as is most hard vegetables that have the hard fiber, because we’re not meantto really digest hard fiber. like i’ve heard that people say we’re literally fruigavores,i mean we’re 98% bonobo monkey or something like that, and we think a monkey’s eatinga lot of fruit and they do eat fruits but they also eat leafy greens. so we could easilydigest the fruits, and that’s why we should mostly eat the fruits or blend them. of coursethey can also be juiced, and one of the ways i like to use a juicer with my fruits is especiallywhen i get poor quality water melons among other things, and poor quality fruits, i reallylike to juice them because if you get an organic
cantaloupe and you get it it’s hard andcrunchy, and it tastes like one tenth of what you remember a cantaloupe should taste likewhich happens to me quite often unfortunately. i’ll put the cantaloupe through the juicer,then i get the cantaloupe juice without the fiber, which then intensifies the flavor ofit, it’s like “okay, that’s a much better cantaloupe now,†and i can actually takeit in me because if i just tried to scoop it out and eat it and it’s all crunchy andnot soft and ripe, it’s hard for me to eat fruits these days, especially with the qualitythat’s so poor these days. that’s when i like to juice it up. another thing i liketo juice a lot is actually the pineapple. you can blend pineapple and it blends fairlywell, but i like the juice the pineapple because
one of the problems that happens to me onthe pineapple is when you eat a pineapple, your mouth will start to bleed, i don’tknow how many people notice that. it’s only when you eat too much pineapple, if you haveone or two bites it’s not going to happen, but for me, a serving of pineapple is onewhole pineapple, and unless its optimally ripe, which rarely happens in the continentalunited states because they’re all getting shipped in and they’re all picked unripe,they have this [inaudible] enzyme in there that basically breaks down your skin. it’sin the pineapple so that worms and stuff won’t eat the pineapple because it’ll break downthe worms. it’s like the natural protection of the plant. but when i juice the pineappleright, i’ve never had my mouth bleed from
that, because something in the process ofjuicing removes that, it comes out in the fiber and in the juice you just get the nicedelicious pineapple flavor. oh that’s another reason why you might wantto juice instead of blend. i’ve done taste tests at different talks i’ve given, andi’ll blend up water melon, which is something that actually is fairly easily blended, somethingalso fairly easily eaten, and i’ve juiced water melon in the slow juicer, and peoplehave the water melon in the blender, and water melon’s like 98% water or something, sothere’s very little fiber, but even when they have the blended water melon, and itwas the same water melon, and the juiced water melon, everybody preferred the juiced watermelon made in the slow juicer even over the
water melon juice made in the high speed juicerbecause you could literally taste the air bubbles that were injected with the higherspeed machines. let’s see here, so yeah the fibrous vegetables best juiced, also theleafy greens. leafy greens – i think they’re better juiced because we are not made likea cow to digest leafy greens. that being said, they actually also blend fairly well, so ifyou want to make something like a green smoothie using some water or coconut water, and thenuse some bananas and some leafy greens, that’ll basically fractionate up those leafy greensto make it much more digestible. that being said it still is running at a higher rpm andi’d much rather juice them, also because once again, one pound of leafy greens produceabout one cup of juice in my testing. so you
know, one pound of leafy greens is a lot ofgreens. most people do not eat that in a day. my goal every day is to get two pounds ofleafy greens, and if i juice one pound of them in the juicer, i have one cup of juice,boom! i just ate the equivalent of one pound of leafy greens without all the fiber, i’mgoing to get a better digestion especially because most people are not chewing everythingup into a mush like they should be. but yeah, so the types of produce you shouldjuice, the fibrous vegetables and the leafy greens, the fruits i believe are better eatenwhole or blended for the most part. alright you made it through! i kind of gotcut off there at the end because the battery ran out on the camcorder, but i hope you guysgot a lot of information about that. if you
like that format video, you know one hourlong format video, hey please give me a thumbs up, let me know that i should film more ofthose and put more of those up for you guys on youtube that aren’t able to attend myevents live. i travel around a lot, give a lot of lectures, but of course i like alsoyou know just doing demonstrations for you and sharing with you guys the good news aboutthe fresh fruits and vegetables and how you can include more them. in the end i want tosay any way you can get more fresh fruits and vegetables in you of course, i would likeyou to grow them yourself, pick them and eat them right out of the garden, chew them intoa mush before you swallow them for best digestion. unfortunately most people don’t have thetime to do that in this day and age, so of
course then blending is a good option, butin my opinion of course juicing is a little bit better option. be sure to check my othervideo direct down below for the six reasons why juicing is better than blending, and besure to subscribe to my videos if you’re not already. i have over 400 videos demonstratingdifferent juicers, comparing different juicers, comparing blenders to juicers, sharing withyou guys how i would lose weight if i need to lose weight by literally juicing – allkinds of cool episodes on my channel. hope you guys enjoyed this episode, once againmy name is john kohler with, be sure to visit special promotional offers for our youtube visitors.

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