this program containsimaginary and indirect advertisement monsta x's right now! monsta x in hong kong day5 last day in hong kong local time 05:05 am at a time when the entire hotel is quiet there are some extra-busy people 2016.01.05 first trespassing day the morning angels who wakes upmonsta x's dawn when they forget about it
nightmare operation order: trespassing into monsta x's home 2016.01.12 a plan to smugglemonsta x to hong kong come in! come in! we're fooled again operation order: trespassing into practice room and.... 2016.02.09 back after 4 weeks success rate 100%they are back
1st target: father and son, shownu and jooheon's room the morning angels are hereto wake the two who are both still sleeping good morning~ let's hide completely ignoring don't come in they've grown tolerance.. whatever... what's happening
right now, go to room 1309! brother~ they said to go to 1309~ he tells his father one more time okay 2nd target: minhyuk and kihyun's room trespassing in!! a brilliant alarm soundthat rings in the darkness automatically hiding into their beds
hong kong day1: four days ago they might come again and ring ring~ please they've seen the future already the worries became real what do we have to do? kihyun puppy has been trainedafter 6 weeks but wild minhyuk refuses we want to go back please turn the lights on
good morning other members are alsoup because of the kind morning angel operation order: trespassing into hotel room operation center 1309=i.m.'s room their brains are still sleeping let's sleep again everyone is climbing back into the bed this is a family portraitof a house with a lot of kids everyone is here
we are seeing their bare faceagain after 4 weeks the sleepy 7 boys right now you should've worn a hat or something his hairs are angry a first aid is done daddy likes realism what do we do now? why did you call us looking like this? all your plans at hong kongare over this moment
they are suddenly wide awake is it over so soon? hong kong schedule is over we will move to macao right now~ hong kong is over!new start at macao wouldn't be over so easily this is making me laugh right now? you've never heard aboutthis since this is their first time telling you
should i run? what do we do there? we will let you do what you want to do hey, hey!!! we've never did what we want to do here at hong kong what they did..was boot camp in hong kong why are we doing this at hong kong? another example2jackson suggested butt showcase the seven very shy butts
example3hyolyn's suggestion, eating stinky tofu.. the avatar's hong kong tripthat you can't watch without tears just thinking about the pastdays makes them sad.. we ate thai food jooheon is angry please do your make-up and hairand meet us at the lobby i did my hair his confidence is soaring with his hair his old-style comedy is making everyone laugh
he is too comfortable in front of camera manner show:they will change into idols and move to macao 09:00 am ferry terminal the seven boys look great the members are getting on the ferry to macao hong kong to macaotakes about one hour minhyuk and shownu cam it looks good i look ugly
trying to hide their swollen faces it was like we got hitby a lightening while sleeping i know don't trespass it's about time we don't get fooled trespassing comes without notice! don't they give usboiled eggs or something? -it's not a train-i've never been on a ferry i've been heart-attackedit hurt here
who did that? the ferry shakes and ourheart bumps with it my heart flutters when i see you~ i don't know why~ jooheon and kihyun cam yawning as if his jaws will come out we are going to macao andyou said you'll allow us to do what we want that's a lie it's a 100% lie
let's go and eat something i'm very hungry since i didn't have breakfast wonho, i.m. and hyungwon cam i.m. is studying the guide book very hard he is teaching other membera quick course, letting others know about macao so what is their smart plan? let's eat something first our conclusion is to eat something first we will become full pigs
let's see you at maco bye, bye ,bye we are having macao gourmandism tripwith monsta x, who oly thinks about eating they've crossed the sea to macao macao: a special administration regionthat is facing hong kong a small europe in asia,where it has both east and west's culture a street food paradise europe style buildings thathave been listed as world heritage fulfills five senses, macao
how is macao? it feels like china, but thebuildings are western agree it feels like a move-like thingsmight happen here macao has different attractions from macao let's eat before welook around macao -for real?-no way what do you want to eat right now at macao? macao hamburger
i searched a bit, and..crab curry it sounds amazing let's go for this our youngest member is a smart boy monsta x is aiming for crab curry how about egg tart and coffee for dessert -did you eat something? -no yet you go eat it by yourself i want egg tart and coffee
noodles i want noodles this man's longing fornoodles started since hong kong love that is chewy like the noodle stripand spicy like the soup the name he will die for...noodles i want noodles, just once i haven't had it yet i'm sorry, but you've sayingnoodles since the first episode but i still didn't get to eat it curry fish cake
curry fish cake is good they have fish cake road here it's a street full of fish cake -how did you know this?-i looked it up my bro~~ chinese style sausage he wants sausage all the way here noodle is better than that i know, he wants weird stuff
he had his certain style thai food at hong kong chinese style sausage at macao it's kihyun's turn, and people are asking for western food should i do it or not steak is always right the 1st game at macao you see that catholic church there? that's the ruins of st. paul'sthat's famous in macao when we give you the startingsignal, run to the catholic church!
one moment, look at the stairswe run as soon as we got here right now gamejust run! usain bolt selection match start running with the starting signaland run towards the catholic church when they reach the top of thestairs and come back, we will choose the winner! i.m. or kihyun needs to win we will make him win ready.. they've made a secret plot one purpose of getting crab curry
let's make the youngest member into number1! the winner is i.m. they are planning for a perfect crime ready, start! shownu starts a bit late i.m. starts with the start signal runs all by himself as they planned, i.m. is number 1 good,good!
the other members just follow he even ties his shoelaces they take photos in the middle the other members do everythingwhile they are doing the competition all this is for the crab curry even before running, they'vedecided who the winner will be they are going with the plan cheating as if he is busy his breath is roughsteps are soft
so what is the conclusion of this game? i.m. is number 1! kihyun comes next the other members worked hardto run slower than i.m. we are eating crab curry he has a lot of energy he is broken they are happy they lost but the last person is yet to come
oh, handsome has forgotten about the game a proud runway of the last person do you know everyone is looking at you? he has taken the attention of people at macao this s.t.a.r. answers them with a smile the main character always comes last i'm so embarrassed the members are embarrassed
who is number 1? the winner of match fixing, number 1 i.m. who came last? the proud loser wonho before we started, we said just start this is not the first timethat they were fooled the pure souls who are easily fooled and the staffs are so happy this time...what is it?
it's hyunwon's birthday soonwe will eat what he wants 1994.01.15hyunwon has came out of the comic book! what did we run for? they've checked their teamwork they've changed the menufrom crab curry to macao style burger should i be happy happy birthday~ this moment, hyunwon is moreprecious than the crab let's go eat~
let's go eat hyungwon's birthday food the flavor heaven macaofull of delicious foods they are at the food alley of macao they can smell the jerky every where they taste the sample jerky the jerky is amazing it's like meat they have their second food they don't even knowwhat they are eating
this is the famous almond cookie this is good they are cutting it they are like thirsty deer looking for water hi~try they can't say no they try the jerky wow~~ the fish cake looks great
this is heaven i want to try that there is so much to eatbut we have to eat hamburger they have passed a lot of temptationand arrived at the destination at last macao traditional style burger shop macao burger: macao style burger that'sbeen made since portugal colonial times there is no other ingredients such asvegetables, and it is made with seasoned bread and pork is it different burger? same?what is the name? the first on the menu
the one on the top he is requesting one by one perfect group he does his last order they succeeded ordering 1:00 pmbreakfast and lunch they've ordered thesomething without personal preference smells nice the bread is differentit's kind of like baguette
how does it taste? it's good~ it's good, but something is missing there is nothing but meat between the bread the meat-lovers must love this burger it has great smell andis very chewy as well the fried and seasoned spicy chicken coupleare sharing the food i think they've alreadygone used to with the food 5days of staythey've got used to local food
this person has gottenused to as soon as he landed the bad thing with the macao burgeris that you have make an effort to eat it burger is as good as steak they've finished a meal with the burger and the next schedule waiting for monsta x the highlight of macao trip macau tower macao's landmark, which is theworld's 10th highest building! is that a person?
they can't believe what they are seeing someone jumped at the top an amazing height, 223m it's the tallest bungee jump standand is listed on the the guinness book of records this is why we are here this is the first time i'mlike this on tv, heart, calm down why do you think we're here? to see that the answer is givenand we need to jump
right now conquer the bungee jump anyone want to do it? -me-i want to try too wonho can't even go up the stairs properly he starts screaming whenhe goes up anywhere hong kong day1proof video added while shownu and on the ferris wheel i'm scared just looking at it suprised
wonho is scared of heights where did he get the courage? i'm relieved that they are jumpingi hope they jump we will choose the lucky personwho will jump from here why is it lucky? they all want to avoid this luck the right now gameis aerial flight game aerial flight? right now gameaerial flight
two people become one groupand make a human airplane th team that falls first willgo up to the bungee jump stand this is what we do for babies, right? the winning team won't go up right? the team that falls downfirst will do the bungee jump just one team?that means two people will jump? man should jump let's do rocks paper scissors the people who comesup with the same sign will become one group
the amazing matchchicken couple this is good~ they all found their partner but i.m. is left alone let's jump~ he wants to jump with me!!! shownu has no will to win he wants to do everythingthat is given to him shownu is the man~
when would we come to macao we will give you a staff for missing member i.m. gets staff chance he chose wook he doesn't want to don't get worried he will play the game andjump if he loses monsta x's stylist kim wook joins do you know why i chose him?
he did this~~ he used to be in the national teamfor fencing let's hear each team's determination whether we jump or notwe will play the game hard! we don't lose our style i'll try jooheon's thighand go to heaven we trust in jooheon's thigh we will run are you serious?
this is swag -we will focus on game-we will run now take a pose we do this together? they are doing teamplanning with style hyungwon almost got folded this is so funny second trial this is the limit of paper planeshut down
we will win for sure everyone is looking jumped!! jumped!!! i want to do it please get ready wonho planeperson on board: kihyun wook planeperson on board: i.m. jooheon plane:br> person on board: minhyuk shownu plane:peson on board: hyungwon
who will jump from 233m height? four planes are ready for departure ready start~! the planes all departed number4 looks very calm comfortable wonho plane met turbulence an air show on macao floor
everyone is trying hard that moment kihyun's hand touches the floor wonho plane dies first we're done jooheon lands next it hurts... trying to escape the reality other planes have no plan to land although the game has ended
boys fight for the top spo shownu, show some tricks he does everything asked for but the client looks painful it hurts aaerial flight gamewook and i.m. wins ! they've kept their style and victory the two people who willgo up the bungee jump stand is wonho and kihyun!!
same team different reaction you guys will havefun looking at the clouds minhyuk + johoheon =prank boys are having fun when everyone is laughing the two are very nervous this is more nerve-racking than starship entertainment audition let's go ahead it's just us two? personal training time wook is in the middle of the idols
even though they are acceptinga new member, this man can't hear anything let's go bungee! bungee jump legend macau tower! we will check out how grandit is right now~ it feels weird right here are you okay? i have goosebumps this one is becoming a chicken it'll be okay after one time
he sounds brave now..but later still happy the youngest member isforeseeing the future of other members it feels weird the elevator will take them to the top i'm excited half expectation and half fearthey got on the elevator it's going straight up why can i see outside?
the world is getting smaller and one person got small together wonho is in the corner, crushed i'm...i'm really tired he was brave just moments ago 25months old wonho isholding other member's hands the elevator has reached the top floor right here they can see all of macao
he is scared it makes them scream this is amazing he has never seen such height he is very nervousstanding around the entrance making no sense at all another person has lost it it's okay when you're just standing here but when you think aboutjumping, that feels weird
this is weird when these boys are having fun this person is doing weird things when you think it's late,it's really late... before: full of bluff after: almost crying he just walking around the entrance he is having fun sky stroll baby is scared
baby is walking bravely where is wonho baby this will fall down what will we do with this man? he can't even walk properly he can't go more than1m around the entrance i told you, that’s what he's like it was all acting he is the king of scared action
maybe his mind is splitting up even the pictures are scaring him we have to jump like this it looks scary can you jump soon, so can you? his brave face is on kihyun has decided we will choose another person shownu also joined
they are going to get mandatoryregistration before they jump they are writing the consentform bravely they are putting on the safetygear, which will be their rope of life they get thorough safety education good luck~ they are ready for bungee the other members get safety gear for watching why am i nervous? i'm just watching it will continue in one minute
stage 1 calm, stage 2 nervousstage 3 mental breakdown last minute stretching whatever they are doing not thinking the other members came to look since i'm up here..what..what -it's not that scary but you become stupid they are having fun watching clapping hard
-i want to see the fall-you'll see it soon the bungee three brothers are here very scared the scared boy comesin with a grand entrance the scary view that 233mabove ground gives us holding shownu daddy's hand tight unlike his mindhis knees are very polite wonho let's go~ he is trying to walkgetting energy from the support
now hands are shaking daddy feel sorry for wonho one step more(ft.kihyun) almost there, almost there they are like parents watching their child grow up next step is to sit inthe chair and connect the rope he needs to put his legs up his legs are not moving at all is he giving up?
i hope he gets over acrophobia do you want to call your mom? scared boy vs. good-looking boys ego crash mom~~~ sorry mom... i'm so sorry... undutiful sun cries.. stop, stop crying 25months old wonhocries like a baby
even if he bites his teethhis body is already not his they've earned something theycan make fun of for a year wonho say something andsay right now and jump what? say right now and jump~ say something, say right nowand then jump why? his head is already blank smiles very unwillingly
he still does everything he has to do what wonho is looking at can he be brave andovercome his phobia? let's go,let's go he's done a lot just getting there he's already at the end there is nowhere to go it's a fight against himself photo photo!
he takes a picture monsta x will succeed!!! a true cry everyone is nervous push!push!why aren't you pushing? he's body and words arenot going together at all please push and unlock wonho you need to do it yourself he makes up his mind
i love you he jumped wonho goes across themacao sky amazingly he threw away his fears wonho flies~ monsta x fighting! he cares about histeam even in the air this is the first kindof feeling he is experiencing a feeling that's not easy to explain
even taking a step wasn't easy just looking at it made him difficult to breathe but the reason he didn't give upwas because he wanted overcome his limits fear and thrillis just a little bit different wonho's heart is full of thrill he is amazing!!! the feeling doesn't go away i did it!! he grabs his mindand lands safely
monbebe i love you he confesses to his fans no more energy good~thank you his mouth is workingbut not his body he is like a new born calf wow, amazing i thought he wouldn't he is thankful he is alive
he is remembering things one by one he made regretful memories who is the next person to jump? the person who joined last, shownu how do you feel? i'm a little bit nervous, actually this robot boy seems very calm though he was calm in the ferris wheel when everyone was dyingbecause of the stinky tofu he was calm
and now... he prepares fast too i'm so happy everyone is cheering there is someone who needs this cheer a squid on the banister shownu is already ready to jump he stood at the endgoing through the wind he looks like hejumped a few times
people watching are more nervous than him i go now with calm smile if you are ready put our hands up he has his wings open~ elegant like a bird soaring of a robot people watching are feeling it too jumping in a perfect pose
technique 100, performance 100 shownu takes overthe macao air right now, monbebe, monsta x, mom and dad i love you right now~ he succeeded bungee quick he is the man!! was it that fast? it felt like an hour this is the best
i didn't know it feels like this it looks like he shook away his stress thank you right nowfor letting me experiencing this this is the first face expressionwe are seeing after 5 days in hong kong there is only one more person left i wasn't nervous whenwonho was jumping but when shownu jumped myheart started to run fast am i shaking now? he couldn't even look at his members
i'm really scared he has been swallowing the fear i can do this he tries to hypnotize himself i love you monbebe you believe me right? cute oppa, fighting it's really high the other members came down to watch
he's right there i can see his hand real small hey, jump! it's not that easy a miniature world under his feet kihyun is finally there he is shaking like crazy he catches his breath he jumps wind the wind
it's like watching a 3d movie like a scene from a movie monsta x's kihyunbungee jumps! he is coming from the sky kihyun jumped really fast too the bungee brothers all succeeded! monsta x is the best! monbebe is the best right now is the best,everything is best he is coming down
he blows a kiss for the success i think it's nice tohave someone waiting here up shownu look how he is walking he is so proud did you see me? don't talk if you haven't jumped he's pride is astall as the macao tower it's really good
only people who tried would know one person who hasjumped but can't agree he was amazing at the topcheck out the video today's saying:"mom i'm sorry" a growth of a manwhere there was both tear and laughter even the people whowere helping had fun we had a lot of fun a normal day wherethey had schedule and practice they got away from dailywork and went to hong kong
hong kong day 1a familiar yet unfamiliar meeting leader and the youngestmember is similar yet different a first day where theyshared their feelings with each other hong kong day2their competitiveness is getting stronger totally different situations depending on victory and failure yesterday's companionbecame today's enemy they worked veryhard, an incarnation of victory hong kong day3monsta x experiences their limit a harsh trainingin the middle of hong kong
7 star x is not afraid of anything when they are together hong kong day 4a step closer these fun meetings werepossible because they are monsta x they tasted hong kong itselfand enjoyed the day macao day5soaring towards world's best a fight against himselfin front of the road they will take today's challenge willremain for a long time and monsta x's last trip for monsta x, by monsta x
the trip of seven boys who enjoyed every moment monsta x's right now thank you everyone for lovingmonsta x's right now

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